It’s Back To The Drawing Board For These Halloween Pumpkin Carvers
Carving a pumpkin in the days leading up to Halloween is one of our favorite things about the holiday.
Most times your end design matches what you wanted it to end up like. However, sometimes it just doesn't go the way you planned.
Jagged Hole
Many times when you start carving a pumpkin, you have a clear vision of what you want it to look like.
But one small mistake can result in your pumpkin looking like one big hole.
Over-whale-ming Miss
Whale this is a pumpkin that had a lot of potential but sadly the end result mist the mark.
The good news is that she has a smile on her face and is proud of her work!
Decaying Pumpkin
This appears to be an example of a pumpkin that was carved too early.
Getting your pumpkin to still be fresh on Halloween night is a skill that comes with time.
Crouching Tiger, Pumpkin Dragon
This dragon carving is not exactly going to strike fear into the eyes of trick or treaters.
We're also not entirely convinced that the end carving looks that much like a dragon.
Putting In Little Effort
This looks like the pumpkin version of starting a school assignment right before it was due.
There was no effort to even carve the actual pumpkin. If this was an assignment, we're not sure if it would get a passing grade.
Slasher Carving
This pumpkin looks like it has gone through some hard times in its life.
We're not entirely sure what the end design was supposed to be. Maybe this was carved by Edward Scissorhands.
Witch Way Did They Go?
The design and end result picture here shows so much promise.
The carver got it so close to what it was supposed to look like but ultimately ended up forgetting the most important piece.
Ruff Start
This little pup is so proud of its work.
Even though it doesn't exactly look like anything, that's okay because carving a pumpkin is like a piece of art, it's subjective and not everyone has to understand it!
Getting Around To It
There was something left on this person's to-do list but they just couldn't remember what it was.
In the end, they just decided to embrace their procrastination and make it the theme of their pumpkin.
A Little Carried Away
This pumpkin looks like it's a combination of a few different designs mixed into one.
Unfortunately for the designer, it just ends up looking like one big mess of a pumpkin carving.
Hole-y Cow
When we look at this carved pumpkin, all we see is a hole lot of nothing.
We can't really picture this being anything other than a big hole.
Spooky Attempt
A ghost is a classic symbol when it comes to Halloween and pumpkin carving designs.
At first glance, however, we don't entirely know that this is really a ghost. It's not very spooky.
This little kitten pumpkin carving needed a few more details left on the pumpkin to make it clear that's what it is supposed to be.
Nonetheless, if you tilt your head a little you can see the resemblance to a cat.
Very Amooseing
There are a lot of things that needed to go right in order for this moose carving to really turnout.
Unfortunately, not very many of those details were accomplished and you can't really tell it's a moose.
Stick A Knife In It, This One's Done
This person was so close to completing their carving.
It appears that at the last minute they decided that instead of using the knives for the carving, they would actually become the carving.
The Fallen Smile
The smile is the first thing that our eyes are drawn to in this pumpkin carving.
They may have cut out a little too much in the smile which caused the upper lip to fall down and make the pumpkin look rather sad.
The Aging Pumpkin
If this pumpkin were to talk, we're pretty sure that it would start by saying, "Back in my day..."
This looks like a pumpkin that somehow has been around for decades and won't admit that it's time to go.
This Is Not Fine
This is an example of a high-risk, high-reward design for a pumpkin carving.
Sadly the high risk does not appear to have paid off and in the end, all is not fine.
Attempting To Be One In A Melon
When you are trying really hard to be accepted by a new group of friends so you start acting like them.
This watermelon clearly wants to hang out with its new pumpkin friends.
Brush It Off
The look of disappointment on this woman's face makes us feel bad for her.
Her attempted toothbrush pumpkin carving just didn't turn out quite the way that she had hoped.