Agitating Pictures That Had Us Shaking Our Heads
Do you remember that one time you cooked a perfect meal, and as you walked your plate to eat on your bed, you stubbed your toe? That annoyance probably ruined your whole mood while you ate your lovely dish.
Well, there are plenty of other things that have the potential to be annoying — just take a look at these examples.
"My Girlfriend Doesn't Eat The Ends Of Her Fries"
That's a lot to take in. Did she reveal this early in the dating process, or did she wait to tell him?
What's the issue with the ends of fries? It may be a little weird, but if he loves her, he's going to have to deal with it.
Do You Need All Of Those?
I'm pretty sure this man doesn't need all that extra weight lingering around his bench. Others need to get their reps in as well.
I'm surprised a stronger person didn't approach him to tell him what he's doing is ridiculous.
Pick A Side When Walking In The Parking Lot
No one wants to miss a potential parking spot because you chose to walk in the middle of the road.
Pick a side, and let the drivers get around without having to worry about hitting someone.
Why Must Tape Do This?
Tape has the power to ruin your day if it does this. No one likes ripping tape multiple times to get one strip.
They need to invent a type that doesn't do this, no matter how hard you try.
"The Amount Of Half Empty Bottles In My Parents Fridge"
How many parents do you know who do this? Why don't they ever finish the entire bottle before buying a replacement?
Let's hope that the future generation doesn't keep this trend up because it's pretty wasteful.
When You Only Get One Almond
As you can see, there's supposed to be almonds, cheese, and raisins. This person only got two of three.
Let's say you're someone who typically loves almonds, and this happens to you. That can't feel good.
What A Beautiful Slice...
This is a beautiful slice if you're giving it to someone who could care less about symmetry and might be blind.
Otherwise, this is horrible. Sure, you can still eat it, but these portions are a nightmare.
Hole Punch Gone Wrong
Punching holes into paper isn't very hard when you have a hole puncher. Still, people still let this happen.
That's why you should never ask someone else to punch some holes in your paper.
Hopefully, You Don't Need The Sidewalk
Truck drivers have a bad habit of taking up space in the pedestrian area when they park like this.
If you're on foot, it isn't too much of a hassle to get around. If you're on wheels, it's a different story.
Not Cleaning The Spoon Completely
Leaving the spoon in the sugar container is a pretty risky thing to do. You never know what people do with the spoon when they use it.
One of the worst things they can do is not dry it before putting it back in the container.
Glowing While They Sleep
Why would anyone need glowing headphones in the first place? I feel sorry for those sitting next to this guy if they didn't bring any blinders.
The sad part is that he probably knows that his headphones are a problem for those who want to sleep.
The Way His Girlfriend Puts Up The Groceries
Okay, so she really didn't even put up the groceries. All she did was put them in the pantry while they're still in the bag.
That's not a lot of help, but it's something. Still, she could do a little better.
Boyfriend Doesn't Clean The Cup After Use
Someone's boyfriend doesn't clean the cup after using it since it "mixes in his stomach anyway." That's an interesting concept.
Thanks to that mindset, you can still see the Oreo and milky color in this cup of water.
Takeout Chips Aren't Chips At All
This customer asked for chips with their order, but the restaurant pretty much gave them taco shells.
What, did they want you to make the chips yourself? If they didn't have any more, they could've said that.
Bieber Can't Eat In Peace
I know Justin Bieber is an international star, but can the man eat in public with some peace and quiet?
What good is surrounding him going to do for you? What are you going to attain by doing this?
Stop This At Once
Who in their right mind would order a pizza with kiwi as the topping? Are they insane or trolling?
This doesn't look good in the slightest. The comment is correct, we have to put an end to this madness.
Roommate Thought They Belonged In The Cupboard
Unless this roommate lived under a rock while growing up, there shouldn't be an excuse for this.
It should be common knowledge not to put these anywhere outside of the fridge. That's a huge party foul.
To Avoid A Steeper Price
Someone at the grocery store thought they had a bright idea when they cut off the stalks on the asparagus.
That way, they don't have to pay the price per pound on the parts they weren't going to use.
Don't Be This Guy
The SUV driver asked what this person was taking a picture of, and the photographer had the perfect response.
He said he wanted to photograph the idiot who needs two handicap spots to eat fries.
It Says "Do Not Fold"
The delivery people need to get their act together. If something says "do not fold," then it shouldn't come to my address with a giant folded crease in it.
Get your act together.
A Circle For A Reason
Whoever paved this road had the foresight to create a little circle area for a sewer.
Whoever installed the sewer ignored the paver's good work for no good reason. It's literally right next to the circle!
Number Four Needs To Fall In Line
There is a perfectly good spot for that number four lockbox right under that number one lockbox.
Why is it off to the side? It's not right. We can't stand it.
Red Vs. Green
Why is the on button red and the off button green? That just goes against all logic.
We have an agreement as a culture that green means go and red means stop.
Random Person Leaves Spaghetti On The Floor
A random person at the Newark airport dropped some spaghetti and decided to leave it there for hours.
The person who saw them do it probably thought they were walking away to get something to clean it.
Why Open Things Like This?
Why do people bother opening things up the wrong way? This doesn't make any sense because you can easily do it the proper way.
It's literally made for you to do it correctly.
Merging Late
Yes, there's a bunch of traffic and you can't be late to work, but don't do this.
If you're that pressed, you need to plan your day earlier and leave before the traffic hits.
Delivery Guy Makes It Hard To Get Food
The delivery person placed the food right in front of the screen door.
Now, the person can't get the food without messing with their food because that's the way the door opens.
Just Repave The Road Already
This road is so full of patches that it might as well be a whole new road by now.
If you're putting in this much work fixing a road, it's not worth it.
Now Where Do I Park?
Shopping carts in parking spots are a sore spot for many people.
You might think you have an opening, but as you turn the car more, you see this little thing.
Could You Live In This House?
The angle of this sink is bothersome. Some people probably wouldn't even live in the home if they saw this.
How did they not catch this during the construction of the home?