Hilarious Notes To Kids That Belong In The Parenting Hall Of Fame
Being a parent isn't easy, but humor certainly can make it fun. These witty parents aren't afraid to show off their sense of humor when addressing their kids. From innocent reminder notes to harsh warnings, these messages are so funny that we're not sure the child even took it seriously. You'll get a kick out of the note written in Yoda talk or the backhanded apology for the missing candy bars. These side-splitting memos belong in the parenting hall of fame.
Who Would Even Take That Trade?

This parent must have had a hard time getting their kid to eat veggies if they now have to beg that they don't trade them in for sugar. Hence, this bag of carrots with a note that reads "Please don't trade these for a Twinkie!"
While we feel for the parent, we also have to wonder if their concern was utterly pointless. After all, what kind of kid would trade their Twinkie for a bag of carrots?
They Can't Miss It If It's On The Steering Wheel

This parent must have a teenager, because they left sticky notes all over the car for their child. At least, we hope it's a minor and not a grown adult who still needs mom to remind them to turn off the soup and let the cat in.
The first reminder was on the car handle, which is a brilliant spot since it can't go unseen. The second reminder was also in a key location: over the steering wheel.
They Grow Up So Fast

This note is funny in the sappiest sense of the word. According to the photo's caption, the child told their parent that she was too old for lunch notes. The mom wasn't ready to let the habit go, though.
That's why she wrote, "This is not a note! This is also not a reminder that I love you... It is simply a very poor choice of napkin!" Don't worry, we won't judge you if you're sobbing right now.
A Message From Lint

This parent got clever about their warning note after seeing lint build up in the dryer. According to the person who posted this image, the stepfather who wrote the message is a firefighter.
So he knew what he was talking about when he wrote, "When I grow up I'm going to be a dryer fire! Love, Lint." From the looks of it, that sheet of lint is nearly "grown." We're glad he caught it early enough that we're all laughing about it.
The Laundry Basket Is Always Watching

This is the second parent who has personified an inanimate object to get a point across about laundry. In this case, it wasn't lent sending the warning, but the laundry basket. The note reads, "Put dirty clothes in me! Yours sincerely, dirty laundry basket. P.S. I'm watching you!!!"
For added emphasis, the parent also drew an angry face, which we presume is supposed to belong to the laundry basket. We can imagine the child will feel at least a little guilty every time they see the basket now.
Artificial Flowers Don't Need Watering

This parent did a great job of first acknowledging that their child was just trying to help. The problem is that they were doing so by pouring water onto artificial flowers.
The best part is that this kid must have been old enough to know better if they are getting written notes from their parent while home alone. We can just imagine a teenager obliviously watering fake plants. If that's the worst they're doing, though, then more power to them.
The WiFi Password Can Change At Any Time

This parent is brilliant because they know just how to motivate their kids to do chores. Since they have control over the wifi password, they can change it on a daily basis and only give the children access once the task list is complete.
Since online activities like video games and social media make it easy to procrastinate on chores, they now have no choice but to do them if they want virtual freedom. On today's agenda is three simple tasks: make your beds, vacuum downstairs, and walk the dog.
A Creative Way To Demand More Toilet Paper

This note may top the charts in terms of creativity. The parent went Martha Stewart on this message, turning an empty roll of toilet paper into a craft project. The result is a "face" made out of the leftover cardboard and a speaking bubble that reads "feed me."
Essentially, the parent personified the empty toilet paper holder, which apparently "eats" toilet paper rolls and is hungry for another. We're sure the child was delighted to see this instead of a boring note about keeping the bathroom stocked.
Don't Even Try To Unplug These

The best parents know their kids like no other, and this dad certainly isn't afraid to point out his son's shortcomings. The father politely asked that his child not unplug anything, ever.
He then proceeded to address all of the excuses he already knows that his son would come up with, such as only needing it for a few minutes and promising to plug everything back in. The note concludes that the son will inevitably forget to do this, so he should just find another socket.
Speaking Like Yoda

This parent decided to mix up their message by writing it in the voice of Yoda. They even drew an impressive picture of the character, in case their kid didn't get the reference right away.
The note is about the Mediterranean kabob dish called kefta. It reads "Kefta is for dinner. Touch not! Talk backwards I shall. (Eat kefta I shall not.)" If only every directive were written in Yoda's voice, perhaps then people would have an easier time following the rules.
Love Is Enough

Parents are human, so they sometimes make errors. In this case, the mom forgot to buy her kid more snacks. Hopefully, they at least have a lunch to get them through the day.
It's hard to tell since the note says, "I hope my love is enough fuel to get you through the day." While that's a sweet sentiment, love doesn't do much for a grumbling tummy. At least the mom addressed her mistake in a humorous way.
Save The Unicorns!

This dad had to get creative to find a way to convince his child to eat their sandwich. He went the route of writing them a note that reads "Every time you don't eat your sandwich a unicorn dies."
We love that he also included the hashtag #Dadfact, which sounds like the logical counterpart to the "dad jokes" that have become so popular. It at least hints at the "fact" not being accurate, but rather a desperate attempt by a concerned father.
Diesel, Diesel, Diesel!

Since many cars take regular gas, we don't blame this parent for wanting to be sure that their daughter remembers to put diesel in the tank. Rather than just saying that outright, they wrote a cute note and stuck it on the dashboard.
It reads, "Hello Sarah, My name is Diesel and guess what? I take diesel. Love you, Diesel." We don't think they could have said the word "diesel" one more time, so hopefully, three times got the word stuck in Sarah's head.
The Perfect Bite

We have so many questions for this parent. For starters, who packs half a piece of bread in their kid's lunch? As if that weren't skimpy enough, the parent also took a single bite out of the bread!
They at least acknowledged what they did in a note that reads, "I hope you don't mind. I took a bite." It's not exactly an apology message. If we were that kid, we'd be demanding a fast-food trip immediately after school.
The Threat Of Being Disconnected

Nowadays, one of the most impactful things a parent can threaten to take is their child's internet access. That's exactly what this parent did, all while using the famous lines from the movie Taken.
The note starts off by establishing that they aren't a maid, but they are "an expert in home WiFi systems and cellular data plans." It then threatens to disconnect the child if they don't clean up the kitchen. The seriousness of the lines makes this minor clean-up warning all the more hilarious.
I Ate The Candy So You Wouldn't Have To

This note is a little harsh, so we hope the parent meant it out of love. They left two empty candy bar wrappers on the counter with a note that says, "Don't be mad... It's time for you to lose weight!"
The message is signed "your caring mom," so at least she was able to admit she was in the wrong. To be fair, it's not like our parents never snuck a candy or two out of our Halloween bags.
AKA A Colonoscopy

This note certainly requires some context since it reads, "Went to hospital with dad for tube up bum." For those who may be utterly confused, the person who posted this image clarified what it meant in the caption.
They wrote, "So my dad had to go get a colonoscopy this morning, this is the note my mom left me for when I wake up." That would be a jarring thing to read first thing in the morning.
Don't Mess With The Settings!

This child clearly doesn't do their own laundry very often, because this parent left extremely thorough instructions on what to do. More specifically, they marked everything not to do.
The parent placed post-its with "no" written on them all over the washing machine settings to prevent them from changing anything they shouldn't. They also included a note on the door that reads "close me!" We could imagine the child wondering why the thing won't start all because the door isn't properly shut.
Use This Note As Your Napkin

We're a little thrown off by this note. It reads, "This is not a note to remind you that I love you. We just have no napkins left. Kisses, Mom." It feels like a backhanded way of saying that they care.
The mom didn't want their kid to be thrown off by the missing napkin, so she gave a heads up with a note. We're wondering if the message is supposed to also double as a napkin given the circumstances.
George Frideric Handel Is Broken

Who says kids are the only ones who can be smart Alecs? This parent must have been the class clown because they certainly know how to spin a mistake into a hilarious joke.
The child put a sticky note on the microwave that reads "Handel is broken." The misspelled word is the last name of the legendary composer, George Frideric Handel. Thus, the parent printed out a picture of Handel and wrote "Me?" on it.
Funny For Adults, But Weird For Kids

This note includes a drawing of Bender, a character from the adult cartoon Futurama. The character has a speaking bubble that reads, "Hey meatbag! Eat your lunch!" Since the show isn't the most appropriate for little kids, this poor child's friends didn't get the reference.
That's why the mom captioned this photo with, "While my 7-year-old daughter loves the notes I leave in her lunch, her friends have no idea why her dad is 'so weird.'"
You Better Eat Up!

Apparently, getting kids to eat their sandwiches is no easy feat. That's why this dad decided to make a rule that would, hopefully, get his child to eat the most important part of their meal.
He wrote, "I'll stop packing this sandwich for your lunch when you finally eat it!" Unless the kid wants a days-old sandwich in their lunch every day, they better get to chewing! The dad even added a picture of Liam Neeson in Taken to show he's serious.
Vegetables Really Don't Matter In The End

This dad sounds like he was going through a midlife crisis when he wrote this note to his kid. Given the Cars lunchbox in the background, we have to assume that this child was way too young to understand his father's melodramatic words.
The note reads, "Life is nothing more than heartache and disappointment followed by death. Eat your vegetables, or don't. It really doesn't matter in the end." We're 99% sure that all the little kid gathered from this message is that he doesn't have to eat his veggies.
Not Much Of A Spoiler

This parent read George R.R. Martin's book ahead of their child and decided to give a heads up about what happens. Don't worry, it's not a spoiler in the slightest. Anyone who has watched Game Of Thrones already knows from the first episode what this parent said.
They wrote, "Lots of people die. Some people don't die." That pretty much sums up the series. We wouldn't expect anything less from medieval times politics, even if it is set in a different universe.
Maybe Go For The Third Option

This parent is pretty cut and dry when it comes to preparing their kid for surviving on their own. They left a note that bluntly states, "If you cannot find something to eat: eat a cat, starve, look in the basement refrigerator."
We would suggest opting for the third suggestion since the first two don't end well. Hopefully the parent is only gone for a short while, because basement refrigerators can only store so much!
A Lesson On Not Leaving Dangerous Items Around The House

This is another note that would be very confusing without the help of a caption. It appears to be a letter to a thief giving them permission to use the pictured tool as a weapon of opportunity.
The person who posted the photo wrote, "Bought a new hatchet yesterday. Came downstairs to find this note on it this morning. I think my dad is trying to teach me something about putting things away..." That's what we call satirical parenting!
Meet Mike, The Apple

This note is taped onto an apple in the fridge and it says, "Hi, I'm Mike. I like to take rides to work with Tim." If you're feeling utterly confused about why a parent decided to personify an apple, you're not alone.
Fortunately, the person who posted this picture gave an explanation: "My friend keeps bringing an apple to work but not eating it so his dad left this note on it." That's one way to tell your kid to eat their apple already.
The Old School Way Of Taking A Phone Note

This image isn't immediately funny since it's only a post-it with the word "cake" written on it stuck to a phone. The hilarious part is that the person who posted this wrote, "My mom said she put a note on her phone to remind her to bring cake."
Instead of putting a note in her phone with one of the countless apps that enable you to do such a thing, this mom went old-school and stuck a message onto the actual device.
This Is How She Really Feels

Many parents can probably relate to feeling how Xena the Warrior Princess looks in this photo. This mom made a meme to print out and stick on the door for their child to see.
Beneath the infuriated look on Xena's face, the sign reads "I'm not your slave. Pick up your dirty socks and put them in the hamper!" We can imagine the mom looking this passionate while screaming at her kid about socks. To ease the blow, she handwrote "Love Mom" in the corner.
So Sorry For Your Loss

This note isn't from a parent to their child, but is from a teacher to the parent regarding their child. The first thing you see is a bundle of blonde hair in a Ziploc bag lying atop the note.
The message reads, "Demi cut her hair today. I'm so sorry." The teacher even included an unhappy face to further evoke their condolences. We hope that the kid isn't as upset about her hair as the teacher was, or this mom's in for a full-blown tantrum.
Nothing Like Drinking And Writing A Sermon

This may be the best note a parent has ever written to their child. The message sits on top of a twenty-dollar bill and reads, "To replace your Fireball. Thanks. Helped me relax + write sermon."
We've never written a sermon before, but we can't imagine that drinking would help. Then again, they do call it truth serum. We have to point out that this note is also written on a paper advertising The Hangover Part III's theater release.
You Never Know What To Expect At Walmart

This parent wasn't scolding their child or giving them a reminder. She simply wanted to inform her kids of her whereabouts, but did so with a sharp wit that would be fun to wake up to.
The mom wrote, "Went to Walmart. Pray for me." If you haven't had any funny experiences at Walmart before, then we implore you to look up People of Walmart the next time you get the chance. The popular blog showcases the most hilarious individuals and items that pop up at Walmart.
The Gift Of Zelda Mints

For those of us who aren't big gamers, this note may be a little confusing. It sits on top of a tin of Zelda mints and advises that the child "chew on these before each (Zelda) encounter."
The note even says, "They will help. I know it to be a fact." We're fairly sure that mints don't have a scientifically proven impact on videogame playing, but what do we know? After all, this note is signed by Evil Emperor Zurg and is "endorsed by Buzz Lightyear."
The Banana Joke From Last Year

We know what you're thinking: what in the world is that thing? Even more mysterious is the note that simply reads, "Haha." The person who posted this image explained that they discovered these items in a boot they hadn't worn for about a year.
Apparently, the mom placed a banana in her child's boot as a joke, but they didn't discover it until now. We have to hand it to the parent for going big on their pranks.
Watch Out For The Worm

This is another note that the teacher sent how for a little one to give to their parent. It reads, "Amara has a worm in her pocket. She did not want to throw it away. I just wanted to give you a heads up!"
Kids sometimes do things that adults wouldn't dream of, such as storing a worm in their pocket. We're happy this little girl has such an affinity for bug life, but we're sure the worm would be much happier on the ground.
Throwing Gamer Insults

This student insulted her classmate by calling him something only people who play the game Overwatch would understand. After he took her pencil, she called him a "Hanzo Main." Even the teacher doesn't know what that means, but she understood the intent.
According to Urban Dictionary, the name describes a player who only chooses Hanzo, which apparently is frustrating for fellow team members. Instead of getting mad, the girl's parents couldn't stop laughing about it.
Who Needs Pie When You Have Hardtacks?

This mom decided that hardtacks made far more sense to bake than pie, which aren't her "thing." Hardtacks are often called survivor bread because the flour-based crackers can last a long time and were often used in the military or during migrations.
We can't imagine that they are all that tasty, at least not compared to pie. That's why we're so confused about this note and the mother's logic. But hey, at least the kid gets a historic snack to munch on.
Boxers Are Not Pants

This note is a little offputting considering it instructs the child to "put on some pants before dad gets home!!" The exclamation points give us the sense that this is an urgent request.
We would imagine that this father doesn't take too kindly to their kid lounging around the house in underwear all day. He probably wants to make sure that his child is making the most of the day. Apparently, the mom is all for spending the day in bed.
An Adorable Broken English Note

This note isn't necessarily hilarious, but it's so heartwarming that we wanted to share it anyway. The caption explained, "My friend's Spanish speaking mother tried to write him a note today."
In it, this sweet mom wrote, "Today is shinner just because you!!! Thank u love." We think she meant to say that her child makes the day bright, which is about as adorable as it gets. We also love her incorporation of smiley faces.
Don't Want Babies Running Around!

This parent isn't shy about reminding their daughter to take her birth control. They added, "Don't want babies running around." It's true that becoming a parent is no walk in the park.
If anyone would know that, it's your parent! They just want to be sure that their teen gets to have kids on her own time. Some parents beat around the bush or push these conversations under the rug. This one is humorously loud and proud of it!
Happy Birthday. Do Your Chores.

Some families make a huge ordeal out of birthdays. Others don't. This parent clearly falls into the latter category. They left a note for their daughter that reads "Happy Birthday! Please shovel the front sidewalk. Thank you. I went to Madison."
Imagine waking up on your birthday and your parent isn't even in the house. Instead, they left a note asking you to do a chore while they're out. We hope they have a surprise party planned that evening.
Mom Isn't Home So Clean It Yourself!

This mom got creative with how she told her child to clean up while she was out. She left a note written in the voice of the child calling out "Mom" multiple times. When they don't get a reply, they say "Oh I guess you are not here. Ok I will clean up after myself."
We're sure that's exactly what the child sounds like in real life. At least, that's what the mom would like them to say.
Instructions For Making Ice

Making ice with an ice tray may be the easiest thing in the entire world to do. Hilariously, this parent had to leave step-by-step instructions for their kids. The one step that isn't immediately obvious is the first, which says to empty the leftover cubes before filling the tray.
Steps two and three, which are fill the tray with water and put it in the freezer, are so obvious that they shouldn't need to be stated. We have to wonder what happened to compel the parent to write this.
A Warning From A Very Tired Mom

Being sleep deprived can impact your entire body, including your mind. This mother is clearly at her wit's end, because her sign reads, "If you bang on my door and wake up my two babies, somebody better be dying."
She must have had some remorse about being so harsh, because she added in small print at the bottom, "Please do not disturb us unless it is absolutely necessary. Thank you, very tired mama." This is why text messages are the new doorbell.
A Guilt Trip About Not Feeding The Fish

This parent wasn't too happy about having to feed their child's pet fish. That's why they left a note on the bowl that's written in the voice of the fish. It says, "Tiffany fed me no thanks to you. Do you want me dead? Just feed me to the cat."
That's pretty harsh, but then again, how would you feel if your owner kept forgetting to feed you? We have to wonder how the parent knew that the fish hadn't been fed yet.
Don't Worry About The Machete

This mom left a note to her son to inform him that she and her husband are out canoeing. The one person who would be around is a man named Steve, who apparently needs to use a machete for his work.
We would guess that Steve is in the yard work industry, and is probably using the machete to clear trees or trim bushes. Still, it's a good thing the mom gave a heads up.
The Old Class Swap Trick

This letter is from a teacher to a parent regarding two sibling boys. Apparently, the clever brothers decided to switch classrooms. Chad's teacher discovered that his brother, Sean, was in his seat when class started.
She headed to Sean's class and found Chad sitting in his brother's seat. To reprimand the boys for the five minutes of teaching time that was lost, the teacher took off five points from both boys. Next time, she warned, it would be detention.
Chap Stick Or Snack Stick?

This note could have been from a teacher or a babysitter, but either way, it certainly is addressed to the parent. It informs them that their daughter let her friend smell her chapstick, but the other child did a little more than sniff.
They took a bite out of it! The best part is that the child tried to cover it up by saying it was an accident. Be careful the next time you smell a candle, because you just might end up biting it.
Teacher's Orders!

This note is supposed to look like it came from the teacher, but judging by the spelling, we'd guess it was authored by the child. Though the little kid did an excellent job writing clearly, he would have been better off typing it out and utilizing spell check.
The note reads, "Ther will be no scool this wek so Collin can stay home and play video games. From Mrs. Teague. I am the techer!!!" In case the spelling didn't give it away, the content certainly does!
Don't Look In The Backpack

This note isn't one you'd want to get from your child's school. It's a standard form you'd expect to find at a preschool as it includes a section related to diapers/using the bathroom.
The teacher circled "BM" for "bowel movement," but that isn't the funny part. The hilarious thing is that just below the teacher wrote: "check backpack." The parent admitted in their post that they were "scared to look." We would be too.
Food Comas Affect Everyone

This teacher had very little to say about this child, but what she did have to say is hilarious. The short note merely reads, "Jisele had a little lunch and fell asleep at a table."
Even though the girl didn't eat much, she couldn't help but doze off at the table. We can relate, especially after eating a high carb comfort food like macaroni and cheese. There's nothing like drifting to sleep with a full belly.
Too Good Looking For Math!

This child is ready to start his modeling career, so why should he waste time doing math? According to the teacher's note, the boy said he's "just too good looking" to be doing his math assignment.
She seems like an excellent teacher, because she was able to convince the boy that "even good looking people need to know math." She also kept a lighthearted attitude about it, calling the student a "hoot" and saying, "I hope his self confidence stays with him always."
"I Only Drew 2 Butts"

You really can't make this stuff up. This teacher had to write home to one student's parents because he was "drawing 'butts' during math instead of his actual assignment." The boy even tried to crumple up the paper so he wouldn't get into trouble.
Apparently, his shame rapidly turned into pride because the boy went on to announce to the class that he drew butts and showed them the picture. His adorable defense was "I only drew 2 butts."
The King Cake Incident

Anytime a teacher uses the word "incident," you know there's a juicy story waiting to be told. This teacher informed a parent that they spoke to their son about the "King Cake incident" and that he "admitted to lying" and "promised that he would apologize" to the parent.
By now you're probably wondering what the incident entailed. Fortunately, the parent wrote about it in the photo caption, stating, "Che' Rex lied and said it was his turn to bring not 1, but 2 King Cakes for class."
It's Not Easy Being Cheesy

They say that it's not easy being cheesy, but this little girl genuinely feels that way. According to her teacher's note, the girl burst into tears the minute she opened her Brie cheese because she didn't like the smell.
Though the child couldn't bring herself to eating brie, she did eat the rest of her lunch. Clearly she wasn't just trying to get out of eating food in general, she just doesn't have a palate for fancy cheese yet.
Potty Language Poetry

We love how the teacher started with a positive before going into why it was necessary to write a note to the parents. They first state that the girl was "very proud of her poem," which she "tried" to make rhyme.
She then added, "we're going to try another one next week without the potty language!" We can just imagine a little girl trying to think up rhymes and going through the gamut of curse words.
Another Pretty Student

If you thought the boy who was "too good looking to do math" was a crack-up, just wait until you hear what this little girl said. She told her teacher that she's "too pretty to work." The teacher even put the phrase in quotes!
Given the history of feminism, we can just imagine what this teacher must have been thinking. Rather than giving the girl a lecture about it, though, the teacher politely told the parents, "I will leave that conversation up to you to have with her."
The Old "Your Mama" Joke

This child must have at least been in middle school, because the lesson was on hyperboles. To help the students understand the concept, the teacher asked them to finish the sentence: "The hamster is as fat as..."
One clever student replied, "your mama." That rude response was thanks to the "your mama" jokes that were popular in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, the teacher didn't find it funny. To be fair, the teacher kind of set themself up for that one.
He Was Just Trying To Learn

This little kid was a little too enthusiastic about elephants one day. He decided to exhibit the animal's behavior by spraying his milk everywhere the way an elephant might spray liquid with its trunk.
The act certainly didn't make for an easygoing lunch period. If this were a movie, the entire school would have probably broken out into a food fight. Though that isn't what happened, it did still leave a big mess for the janitor to clean.
Work Is Not Fun

If this were our child, we wouldn't even be able to be upset about this school incident. According to the teacher's note, "Josiah does not want to work. He says it is not fun."
No truer words were ever spoken. It's good that the boy is honest about his feelings. At the same time, his parents will have to teach him that pushing through things you don't like is what makes things you do like so fun!