Ideas That Were Far From Flawless
It takes real brainpower to create something new. You have to think of an idea and then go about executing that idea in a way that makes sense. Sometimes, it's all in how you make it work. These people all tried to make their ideas work, but for whatever reason, they just don't.
Some of these people had crappy ideas to start with. Some of them just couldn't follow through. Whatever the reason, the end results are pretty laughable.
A Car Or A Boat?
This person thought it would be a good idea to take the wheels off of his car and turn it into a boat.
This whole image is making my eyes hurt.
No More Overheating
This person was tired of his computer getting overheated, so he decided to suspend it from the ceiling so it could get the maximum amount of airflow around it.
This doesn't look safe.
Poor Justin
Who decided that it was a good idea to ruin Justin Bieber's face like this?
We get the concept of making a Justin Bieber couch, but it could have been executed better.
And The Lord Sayeth...
Remember that part of the New Testament when Jesus says, "rail replacement bus services to all destinations this way?"
Then all of his disciples followed him to the nearest service window.
That Wall Is Too High
Here's a tip to anybody who might be designing a public washroom in the future: bring those stall walls all the way down to the floor.
Nobody wants to see their neighbor's thighs.
A Soap Dish That Can't Hold Soap
Ladies and gentlemen, behold, the worst soap dish in the world.
This thing is curved, so any slippery bar of soap you put on it will slide right off. It's like a soap waterslide.
Why, Though?
While the stone pattern may have been a good idea in theory, it fails to account for utility. How is anybody supposed to sit on this stony toilet?
Perhaps more importantly, how is anybody supposed to clean it?
Crunchy Vegetable Salad
I don't know about you, but I've never seen a crunchy vegetable salad that looked this delicious before.
If only this Oreo sundae was as healthy as a crunchy vegetable salad...
A White Background Wasn't The Best Idea
This clothing company decided to showcase its gray shirt with white shoulder details on a white background.
Now it looks like this guy's arms start too far down his body.
Plus-Sized Pants
This probably isn't the best way to showcase that you have plus-sized pants for sale.
Your customers may take offense to the fact that you shoved two mannequin waists into one pair of jeans.
Lego Soap?
Reddit user tomaszmajewski posted this photo online along with the caption, "gift from [sister-in-law]: Handmade soap with real Legos embedded in it.
They slowly start to emerge the more you use it. [Can't] wait [until] the first one falls out mid-shower!"
A Bad Spot For Stairs
It's probably not the brightest idea to put a set of stairs in a place that leads into another perpendicular set of stairs.
This just looks like an accident waiting to happen.
Roll Right On Over
This is what could happen to you if you park somewhere that you're not supposed to park. Somebody might paint lines right over your car.
But if the lines weren't there before, how would this guy know that he wasn't allowed to park here?
Poor Crockpot Design
Reddit user missAcedia posted this photo online along with the caption, "The far right setting is not 'high,' it's actually 'keep warm,' which is the lowest temp setting.
Guess whose meatballs were barely cooked after 5 hours?"
So Much Wrong
This person opened a can of beans, didn't mix it or separate it or anything, wrapped the congealed mess in a tortilla, and called it a burrito.
This is not cool.
Impromptu Limbo
How low can you go?
Whoever designed these stairs was either a terrible designer, or they just thought that people wanted to play limbo on their way to work.
A DIY Cane
This loving wife decided to make a cane for her husband after he hurt his leg. The problem is that this cane looks like a death trap.
There are nails sticking out of it and it looks pretty rough.
A Bad Paint Job
I guess somebody thought that they were making this car look better when they decorated it with blue spray paint.
We think it probably looked nicer before the paint job.
The Legendary Band:
You know the band Meatallica, right?
They're kind of like Metallica, except they're meat people who play meat instruments on an alternate version of Earth that's made out of meat.
Oh Yes, My Favorite Season
I know that it's a little bit basic, but what can I say? "Foll" is just the best season there is.
There's just something about the bright colors and the crisp air and the way the season is spelled...
Slowly Turning Into Salmon
Whoever put these pictures together decided that it would be a good idea to make this woman look like she was slowly turning into a whole cooked salmon.
It's only 10 miles away...
Who Installed These?
Somebody clearly wasn't thinking straight when they installed these three urinals all facing each other.
Can three men even fit in that tiny space? Not without touching butts, that's for sure.
An Elephant Slide
An elephant-themed slide at a zoo seems like a good idea until you see where this designer decided to put the slide part.
Elephants have trunks that are perfectly slide-shaped. Why not use the trunk?
This Is Confusing
So, normally, the player's last name would go at the top of the jersey and their number would be underneath.
Is this player's last name "Thirteen," or does somebody not know how numbers work?
He Didn't Think This Through
This may have been a good idea in theory, but what does that tattoo look like when he's not holding his hand like that? Also, his finger isn't on the trigger.
This whole thing is weird.
Thanks For Following Instructions...
When this person asked for "thanks for a great year" in purple, what they meant was that they wanted that phrase written on the cake in purple icing.
This is not what anybody wanted.
Another Way Of Saying "Egg"
What do you call those things in shells that you eat for breakfast or bake into cakes? Are they "eggs" or "farm fresh butt nuggets"?
We've been calling them eggs, but we like this name better.
Camo Underneath
If you really had camo skin, wouldn't you want to wear it all the time so you could be invisible?
What's the point of just showing a little bit of camo on your calves?
Why In The Corner?
How did this design get past everyone who works at this company? Did nobody see this and realize how spooky it is?
Just don't put the face in the corner of the box.
Something Doesn't Add Up
If you were smart, you would just get 2 of the $2 Jell-O shots for $4 instead of getting the $5 "deal."
But then again, people who buy Jell-O shots probably aren't in the right frame of mind to do mental math.
You've Got To Do What You've Got To Do
I always think about calling in sick to work but then never do it because I don't want to get in trouble.
Could you imagine trying to photoshop a nail into your tire?
She Is Really Not Pleased
Dogs are really something else.
They love you and respect you and will keep loving and respecting you even after you do something like this and lock them into the back of a car for their own safety.
She Was Just Trying To Be A Good Mom
Who doesn't love it when their mom makes them a nice homemade meal? How was she supposed to know that pesto had nuts in it?
It's not like it would have been on the ingredients list or anything.
An Attempt Was Made
Sean and Stacey are kind of the same, aren't they? I mean, they both begin with an S and have the letter E in them.
I think we should call this a great effort and let them have it.
One For All The Mario Fans
I'm not sure if this is some kind of weird marketing ploy or what, but I really don't think that this is going to work.
No one wants to eat sausages named after video game characters.
Sounds Like A Fair Question
This person has to either work in retail or in the service industry.
The number of people who really test the patience of those good people is off the charts.
That Mask Is Going To Help So Much
I get that you don't want to look not cute when you're wearing a mask, but that is barely a mask.
It is basically a piece of mesh and she can do better.
Do You Think It Will Work?
As unorthodox as this is, I can see it working if you wait long enough and like your steaks rare.
For all we know, this could be the next air fryer.
What A Cute Little Candle
Making a cute little ghost candle is a good idea until you realize that it's going to melt down and just turn into a blob after you light it.
No one wants that.
What A Tasty Combo
This seems like a terrible combination. KFC is like the last thing that you should ever mix with your skincare products.
It's just a recipe for a breakout waiting to happen.
Who Doesn't Want A Door For Their Door?
I get what they were going for here, that kind of rustic barn house feel that is so in these days.
But they didn't really knock it out of the park with this door that won't even slide over the other door.
When You Want To Be Soft And Scary
Crocs by themselves already make someone seem questionable but not scary...the added spikes and chains kind of add this whole other vibe that makes them terrifying.
What else are they capable of?
I Bet That Smells Bad
There are a few things in a white person's life they should do less than get dreadlocks.
Something they should do even less than that is to make a dream catcher out of them.
Because Nothing Says Coffee Like Cockroach
Coffee art is kind of cool, but we have to ask ourselves: when are we taking something too far?
I think that getting a cockroach on your coffee might be that line.
There's No Way That's Going To Work
If you want a mug, just go out and buy a mug!
There is no way that those zip ties are going to be able to keep anything in without spilling.
No One Looks Impressed
Neither of those dogs looks like they are having a good time with these slipper look-alikes.
They probably are low key threatened by them because they are scary looking.
It's Technically Taller
These people asked their landlord if they could get a taller table.
And they came home to see that instead of a taller table, they had their same table with stilts.
Minions Are Taking Over
If it wasn't enough that the minion has a literal fire burning inside of it, it also has these sinister little hands that are holding a poker and an ax.
I don't like our odds.
Preserve Those Childhood Memories
When people talk about keeping those childhood memories, I doubt that this is what they meant.
It is actually kind of creepy, and if I saw this in someone's house, I would leave.
Let's Hope They Never Get In An Accident
This is all cute and everything...
Until you end up in a fender bender and your airbag goes off and you have a bunch of cactus splinters in your body.