Some Of The Cringiest, Most Embarrassing Moments For Everyone Online To Witness
The internet has largely been a positive force in the modern world, however, now that the internet has preserved all photos forever for all time, any embarrassing moment can be saved and shared until the end of eternity.
That's really bad news for all of the people on this list. At least they're mostly anonymous people, but still. I wouldn't want my stupidity on display like this. Keep reading to see some people who just can't hold back the cringe.
He Had To Shoot His Shot
This guy really thought it would be a good idea to leave this note on some girl's car.
It's safe to say that she didn't find it very charming. It's pretty cringe.
Meet Him At The Airport
I really hope these girls are playing a trick on their friend and that Jimmy isn't actually a deadbeat dad.
Although if Jimmy is a deadbeat dad, this is pretty embarrassing for him.
On The Sidelines
That 16-year-old kid on the far left is crashing a birthday party he wasn't invited to. He's a much less awkward person now.
He actually posted this photo online himself.
That's Not Peter Dinklage
These two ladies thought that they ran into Game of Thrones star Peter Dinklage.
But as you can clearly see in this photo, this guy is not Peter Dinklage at all.
Always The Third Wheel
This guy thought he would try to get in his female friend's good graces by carrying her on his shoulders around a house party.
It turned out that she had other plans.
Excuse Me...
I don't know where this lion profile picture came from or why he felt the need to chime in on this very serious post.
All I know is that this is super cringe.
He Left The Flash On
This guy tried to take a sneaky photo of Chloë Grace Moretz while she was trying to enjoy lunch with her friend.
Well, he wasn't very sneaky because he totally left the flash on.
That's Not Lasagna
This person posted a photo of their ultrasound on Facebook, and one of their friends fully thought that it was lasagna.
I don't know what kind of lasagna this person is eating.
That's An Adult
This woman picked up a full-grown man at one of her speaking events thinking that he was a 6-year-old kid.
I can't believe she actually posted this on her own Twitter account.
Two Announcements In One
These two posted a photo of their engagement online, but they forgot to hide that little pregnancy test box on the left side of the frame.
I guess they made two announcements.
Burning Through Cash
This guy thought it would be a good idea to put a bunch of cash in the microwave to kill any germs that could be on the money.
Well, clearly that wasn't a good idea.
Not His Type
Well, that's a super embarrassing way to get shot down. Maybe this guy could have just private messaged her or something.
Why did he have to call her out like this?
So Many Selfies
All of these people are clamoring to take a selfie with James Franco.
This guy is just minding his own business and the public can't keep it together. This is so awkward.
Hey, Rihanna
This guy took a selfie with Rihanna without her consent or knowledge and this is how it turned out.
I don't know why he would even post this online. It's super cringe.
Spotify Is Out Of The Loop
Spotify was way off on this one. The Beatles made a post commemorating the day that Jon Lennon died, not the day he was born.
Come on, Spotify, you're supposed to know these things.
"I'm Pretty Impressed By How Gracefully She Passed Out..."
Here's an impressive position to fall asleep in after a long day. Her neck definitely hurt after she woke up.
Where are the people she came to this event with, and why didn't they help her? She's out cold!
"Signboard On The Highway That Runs Through My Hometown. It Is, Sadly, Accurate"
When you live in a town where there's nothing to do, you're always embarrassed to talk about it. You don't even want to invite your friends from out of town.
Here's the sign that solidifies that you live in a ghost town, and this person is sad about it.
Her Mom Must Like Him
Let's look at the positives here. His girlfriend didn't break up with him for not knowing how to cook. Also, her mom encouraged her to eat it.
That means the family likes you and the girlfriend will go the distance to protect his feelings.
"Fifth Wheeling"
Be honest, do you feel bad for this kid? I'm sure he didn't expect this to happen. He probably thought it was going to be a fun night.
Little did he know he was going into a love fest. His face doesn't look too excited about this.
"I've Been Wearing These Noticing How The Right Ear Sound Level Is Lower Than The Left"
People who don't have a sense of sound are frightening. Isn't it unpleasant to hear things at an unbalanced level?
Thank goodness this person finally figured out the issue. He probably thought it would fix itself if he gave it some time.
An Uncanny Resemblance
Of all of the people in the world this guy could find himself looking like, it had to be the criminal on this poster.
The resemblance really is uncanny. It's pretty spooky.
A Table For One
This guy asked for a table for one at a restaurant, which is already a potentially embarrassing thing to do.
Then he got seated at a table facing the corner.
A Wardrobe Malfunction
This woman put her phone in her waistband and then by the end of the day, it had fallen down to her shoes.
Did I mention that it fell while it was still in her pantyhose?
They Must Have Used A Lot Of Gel
Reddit user masterrmoto7321 posted this photo online along with the caption, "8th grade me thought I was cool as hell, went like this to a Christian concert event."
How is that hairstyle even physically possible?
Shame On Them Both
Both of these pathetic creatures are bringing shame to their entire family. I don't know what's worse: barfing or eating barf.
Actually, yeah, the second one is a lot worse.
He Just Wanted Some Ice Cream
Admit it: if somebody were giving out free ice cream at a park, you would get in line too. Best case scenario, you get an ice cream cone.
Worst case, you cringe forever.
World's Proudest Sister
This family went out for breakfast to celebrate their daughter's major life accomplishment. Her sister decided to wear this shirt for the occasion.
She posted this photo online with the caption, "Being proud of their accomplishments and embarrassing them all with the same outfit."
Picture Day
Reddit user krdearman posted this photo online along with the caption, "My boyfriend's 10th-grade picture is pure rebellion.
According to him, his mom cried when she received the pictures back."
A Giant Cutting Board
Reddit user gwackr posted this photo online along with the caption, "My friend's GF's dad sent them an xxxxl cutting board for their housewarming by mistake."
You could say they made a big mistake.
Welcome To Our Humble Of Ode
Whoever made this sign definitely has never heard the phrase "welcome to our humble abode" before. What even is an "of ode"?
Maybe these people should hang this sign on their door anyway.