Ouch! People Who Forgot The Power Of Wearing Sunscreen
Unless someone is set on getting some funky tan lines and burns, it is always a smart idea to wear sunscreen. Otherwise, zigzags, farmers' tans, and some blistering burns might be in their future.
So, do your skin a favor and don't take a page out of these folks' books; always wear sunscreen!
"The Sunscreen Went That Way"

It looks as though this guy didn't just fall asleep in the sun, but he fell asleep in the sun with his arm slung across his body.
Now, he's letting people know that the sunscreen clearly went in the other direction if his sunburn has anything to say about it.
At Least They Tried

This right here is a great argument as to why lotion sunscreen is better than spray-on.
While the spray-on stuff is mess-free, people who use it tend to come out of the sun looking like this, thanks to the wind and other elements that make it so the sunblock never actually reaches any skin.
Not So Happy Anymore

This lady had the right idea, getting all hyped up for the Color Run.
Sadly, she wasn't too happy by the end of the day, as her sunburn left behind her "HAPPY" stickers and even her sunglasses line!
A Lesson In Not Falling Asleep Outside While Eating

Well, this is a lesson for the ages: never fall asleep in the sun while eating!
Well, let's back peddle. Don't fall asleep in the sun eating if the utensil and plate are still sitting on your lap.
Maybe Some Solid Leggings Next Time

This person might have thought they were safe from the sun since their legs are pretty much covered by their leggings.
Too bad they didn't take into consideration those solid cutouts all over!

Wearing a fun bathing suit to the pool or beach is always a good time. Too bad for this lady; that fun time ended once her sunburn began to set in.
The end result was a whole lot of lines crisscrossing her chest.
Doesn't Everyone Want To Match Their Shorts?

This person is most likely in a world of hurt if the color of that burn has anything to say about it.
Hey, at least their back matches their shorts, right?
Sun: 1 Ripped Jeans: 0

There is nothing wrong with wearing ripped jeans out in the sun. That is, there is nothing wrong as long as sunscreen is in the equation.
If it isn't, kneecaps might wind up looking like red balloons, just like this photo.
Patrick Starburn

While this person has a nice little sunburn going on, at least they have a sense of humor about the situation.
Their bathing suit made a fun little burn, something they added eyes to in order to create Patrick Star!

While this is more of a solid tan line than an actual burn, it is still worth noting, especially considering this person's dog decided to join in the picture.
Look, they're twins!
Even Tan Gone Wrong

This poor guy decided to even out his tan, resulting in a burn that looks more like an Ombre a la skin tones.
Is anyone else getting Neapolitan ice cream vibes from this?
Bad Decisions Were Made

Wearing a hat is a great way to keep some skin out of the sun. The thing is, there are parts that will still get some exposure.
Exhibit A: this guy's epic hat burn.
Little Spot Saved By The Adam's Apple

According to this social media user, that little spot on their neck was spared from this epic sunburn for a very specific reason.
Apparently, his Adam's apple shaded it from sun exposure!
Maybe Walk Around Without Shoes For A While

It is very clear from the looks of this picture that this person spends a great deal outside in the sun.
Looking at this very distinct line, though, it might be advantageous for them to walk around barefoot for a while.
Cosplay Gone Wrong

This guy had the right idea, heading to Comic Con in an Avatar Aang cosplay costume. Too bad he didn't take into consideration that beating San Diego, California sunshine.
He left Comic Con with a nice memento, though: Aang's air nomad arrow!
Just Over Here Matching a Popsicle Stick

This right here is a true friend. Noticing their friend's solid arm and leg burn, they noticed she looked similar to a popsicle stick.
So, clearly, the only thing to do is take a picture of her next to a popsicle, showing off similar colors.
Just A Wee Bit Swollen

"Shave your head, they said. It will be fine, they said." By the looks of this picture, shaving his head turned out to be anything but fine!
This sunburn is so bad that it actually swelled!
Behold, The Visor Burn

Just a friendly reminder to people with a little less hair on their heads: make sure to put sunscreen on your scalp!
Unfortunately for this guy, he decided to wear a visor, resulting in this epic burn.
That's What You Get For Wearing Crocks

Honestly, this person kind of got what they deserved if they wore Crocks so often that it resulted in this epic polka dotted burn.
Even so, it goes to show that even feet need sunscreen!
Cutout Shirt Fail

Ah, the infamous square burn, something that only occurs on the craziest of days when a person wearing a cutout shirt forgets that the sun can, in fact, shine into said cutouts.
This person learned the lesson the hard way.
Just Looking Like Some Colby Jack

This is one of the most interesting burns, considering the person's legs look like a solid block of Colby Jack cheese.
Next time, maybe think about rubbing in the sunscreen before spending all day in the sun.
Even Hands Need Protection!

There are a few spots on the body that people sometimes forget need sunscreen. One of those body parts just so happens to be the hands.
This person might think twice about skipping their hands the next time they're applying sunblock!
Amazingly, This Is Not A Filter

While it looks like this guy either has a red light shining on his face or some crazy horror filter set on his phone, it is something far worse.
The red is nothing more than a crazy-looking sunburn that will be around for a little while.
Potato Vs. Sunburn: Who Wore it Better?

At the end of a sunburn comes the joys of peeling. This lady decided to have a good attitude about her situation, though.
Here, she's holding up a potato in a fun game of "who wore it better."
Nothing Like Some Tiger Stripes

This person learned the hard way that even though they wore jeans, the rips are the perfect spot for the sun to leak in.
Well, at least they earned their sunburn tiger stripes!

Sorry, guy, but a hat and sunglasses didn't keep your face safe from the sun!
Honestly, those sunglasses are clearly quite something, too, considering how thick of a line they created around his eyes.
A Sunburn That's Happy To See You

The funny thing here isn't the fact that this guy has a happy face drawn on his stomach, thanks to his solid sunburn.
It's the fact that he clearly did this on purpose.

Just looking at these leg burns hurts!
Seemingly located everywhere but the back of his calves, this guy's best friend for the next few weeks is arguably going to be the coldest ice bath imaginable with a bit of aloe after the fact.
It Was Fun While It Lasted

Nothing says team pride like body paint! Too bad this guy didn't put sunscreen on before applying the green and blue stripes.
After the event, he realized his mistake. Lucky for him, though, somehow his face didn't wind up with the gnarly stripes!
Nothing Like A Little Sunburn Tramp Stamp

Even while wearing a shirt, it is important to keep in mind sunscreen because shirts have a tendency to ride up.
This guy, for example, was doing nothing more than painting his porch. At the end of the day, he walked away with a fresh paint job and a solid sunburn tramp stamp.