Petty People Showing Their True Passive-Aggressive Colors
There are a couple of different ways that you can go about addressing the problems that may arise in your life. You can choose to address the problem head-on and be direct with your communication, or, and hear me out for a minute, you could be totally passive-aggressive. Now, being passive-aggressive has a lot of downsides, but it also means that you can be petty and non-confrontational at the same time so...
Keep reading to see some people who have mastered the art of passive-aggression.
Only One Side
This very lovely and caring wife only made her side of the bed. Apparently, if her husband wants his side of the bed made, he should do it himself.
Is it easier to make both sides of the bed at the same time? Probably.
Just Say Hello
This person was getting tired of people just passing him in the hallway at work and not saying hi, so instead of talking to people directly about his feelings, he made this sign.
Just so odd.
Don't Litter
This person found a bunch of little cigarette butts outside of his apartment.
He doesn't smoke, but his neighbor does. He decided to return the butts to their rightful owner.
An Invoice From Dad
This guy asked his dad to help him fix his laptop.
His dad successfully fixed the issue, but then the guy got an invoice from his dad a few days later.
Wash Me
Somebody thinks that this dirty school bus needs a good cleaning, but they aren't man enough to actually clean it or tell somebody that it needs to be cleaned in person.
I can't imagine any bus driver cares enough to wash it.
Hair Art
This girl was getting tired of her sister always leaving hair on the wall of the shower, so she turned all of that hair into an angry face art piece.
This would scare me away from having hair at all.
That's Not Creamer
You really shouldn't take things that don't belong to you. Whoever accidentally drank breastmilk probably deserved to have their day ruined like this.
You never know how people are going to exact their revenge.
Running Low On Milk
This mom was getting tired of her kids telling her that she needed to go out and get more milk way later than they should have.
That's why she left them this note.
A Subtle Jab
Jim Carrey may not be known for his subtlety, but in this case, he decided to go with a more passive tactic to call out all those people who overshare on social media.
I don't know what's sadder. This joke or the fact he needed Twitter's validation for it.
A Creative Eviction Notice
This person wasn't paying his rent or his utility bills, so his landlord thought that it was time for him to go.
Instead of a typical eviction notice, he went with a silly emoji.
She Doesn't Exist
This sign says, "have you seen the dog poo fairy? That's because she doesn't exist. Pick up after your dog!"
It looks like a lot of time and effort went into that sign.
Clean Up Your Coffee Beans
This person spilled coffee beans all over the place and didn't bother to clean them up. Does that warrant a passive-aggressive note made out of coffee beans?
We think so.
Swim With The Fishes
This person was getting tired of always cleaning everyone else's dirty dishes, but instead of letting them know about his feelings directly, he left this note on the family whiteboard.
Just a little bit sad.
Thou Shalt Not Be A Bad Driver
This person thought it was okay to block another person's driveway. That is definitely not okay. His neighbor let him know that pretty clearly with this passive-aggressive note.
Don't disobey neighborly laws.
The Case Of The Stolen Pumpkin
Somebody stole this person's pumpkin right off of his front lawn. That wasn't very nice.
That's why he wrote this note, laminated it, and put it in the spot where the pumpkin used to be.
What Have You Done Today?
The people on this poster made several arrests before they even ate breakfast. What did you do today? This poster isn't even passive-aggressive. It's just plain aggressive.
Chill out, cops.
They Don't Deserve A Washroom
These employees can't be trusted to use a washroom without completely trashing it, so now they have lost their washroom privileges.
They should have taken better care of the facilities.
How About YOU Take The Stairs?
You know what? I don't really want to be taking health advice from a man without a face on a green sign, thank you very much.
The building probably just wants to save on their energy bill.
How Would You Feel?
This person was having issues with people parking in his personal spot, so he put this sign up on the wall.
Hopefully, this stops people from being so darn rude.
Oof Dave
Someone get some ointment for Dave here cos this man got burned to a crisp.
Getting called out like this, divorced, and having to have an awkward conversation with your father is the triple hit frankly, this guy deserves.
This Car Tends To Stop At Red Lights
Clearly, somebody hit this car from behind while it was stopped at a red light, so now there are signs all over the back end warning people that this car does actually stop at red lights from time to time.
How many people don't stop at the lights that the backend looks like this though?
Obvious Popcorn Is Obvious
Whoa there, popcorn packaging. That's a little passive-aggressive, don't you think? Well, maybe they've gotten some annoying complaints in the past. People can be weird.
Some people want really big popcorn.
Obey The Speed Limit
Somebody was having a real problem with people not obeying the speed limit on his street. That's why he put up this sign.
This sign may be passive-aggressive, but also people shouldn't be speeding.
Take Your Rotten Food Home
If you're going to let your food sit in a fridge and rot, at least do it in your own fridge at home. Don't do it in a communal fridge.
Nobody wants to look at your disgusting casserole all week.
A Work Of Art
Somebody smashed a bug on this mirror and then neglected to clean it, so this guy made an art installation out of it.
If only we knew who the original artist was.
Why Would You Litter?
We're not sure why people litter.
Why would you want to throw your garbage on the ground when you could be a responsible adult and put it in a proper receptacle?
They're Always Watching
This company is very stingy with the cookies they give out to their employees.
Apparently, if they catch you taking more than your fair share, bad things can happen to you.
Happy Now?
Bob has been nagging his neighbor to paint his fence for months, and the neighbor finally got tired of it. He did this just to make Bob angry.
Mission accomplished.
Fonts Matter
This company put a sign up on one of their offices reminding employees to keep the door closed.
Then the employees took issue with the font the sign was written in.
No Eating At Desk
This company got a new toaster oven for their employees' break room, but they made sure to make this new purchase as passive-aggressive as possible by including this little friendly reminder.
I would've loved it if they had gotten this engraved.
No Marshmallows For You
This kid got punished in a way that is so petty and passive-aggressive that we wouldn't be surprised if he developed serious issues as he got older.
Moments like this stay with you forever.