These Photos Reveal What Redneck Christmas Is All About
The most wonderful time of the year just got a whole lot better. Redneck Christmas adds a southern twist to tired old traditions. Forget the angel tree topper... throw on the skull of your latest hunting catch instead! Don't have a tree? No problem! Choose from an array of Christmas tree substitutes such as a stack of truck tires, your dirt bike leaned vertically against the wall, or even a toilet plunger! From flamingo reindeer to Santa on a tractor, we're confident that these redneck Christmas ideas will fill you with holiday cheer.
Mug Shot Christmas Photos

One fun addition to any holiday party is a photo booth with props. Instead of the usual reindeer headbands and Santa hats, mix it up with a mug shot photo booth. Nothing screams "redneck Christmas" like pretending you got locked up the night before Christmas.
Best of all, it's incredibly easy to pull off. Just turn a wall into a height scale. To add to the authenticity, don't even measure it! As you can see, this couple is roughly seven feet tall according to their mug shot. Be sure to have sign props, too, so everyone on social media knows where to get in on the fun.
Decorate The Yard With A Holiday Camper

We don't mean to burst any bubbles here, but it's just downright foolish to think that Santa Claus has flying reindeer. Like the rest of us, he's got to drive from home to home, and how else could he fit all those presents but in a camper?
Get with the times with this blow-up Santa Claus holiday camper. Finally, neighborhood kids can feel like Santa is someone they can relate to. After all, nothing screams Christmas like piling into the camper for a road trip.
Take Christmas Outdoors

It doesn't make an ounce of sense to stay inside for Christmas when you've got all that beautiful countryside right on the other side of the wall. If you want to gather around the Christmas tree with family, take the entire thing outdoors.
The tree, couches, the side tables, ALL OF IT. Move that room out into the yard and remember what Christmas is really all about. If you've got your game mounted to the walls, just attach it to a post and stand it up near the furniture all homey-like. That's what we call a fine host!
Give Your Dog A Little Military Flair

Some would argue that it's downright cruel to dress up your pets in holiday attire and we'd have to agree with them. If our dog were a reindeer, it wouldn't be some Rudolph! It would be a genuine military canine reporting to its commanding officer, Santa Claus.
Take your pets a little more seriously this year and dress them in camo Christmas attire. Your pet will see no greater challenge this year than the mission to deliver presents across the entire globe. That's an honorable costume, right there.
Do Your Chores Dressed Like Santa

It can be difficult to convince yourself to get chores done with so much holiday fun to be had. But why not do both? If you've got to mow the lawn, just get into your Santa costume and pretend it's your sled you're riding.
This gentleman even had sense enough to throw a present in the back of his lawnmower to add to his character. Do a good service this holiday season and convince the neighbors that Santa is just an average guy, mowing the lawn after a hard day's work.
Add Some Character To Your Wreath

Real wreaths can be messy while fake ones just don't feel as authentic. That's why this genius individual decided to make good use out of a healthy tire. Just wrap a string of lights around the thing and hang some ornaments on the wire.
If you really want to be classy about it, throw in some garland and affix a big red bow on top. Now, getting a tire to hang on the door is no easy feat. Instead, lean it on the window with a fancy backdrop like this cheetah blanket. That's what we call curb appeal!
Make Your Own Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are so last year. If you really want to put your stamp on Christmas, make your own tree! This one is a perfect example of how simple it can be. Just lean two planks of wood against one another in the shape of a triangle.
String lights around it like you would any other tree, and then top it with some household items. This group of friends chose a plunger and some toilet paper. They even added a few fake presents at the bottom for legitimacy.
Decorate With Billy The Big Mouth Bass

It's not a redneck Christmas without Billy the Big Mouth Bass. In case your childhood was seriously lacking in southern charm, Billy the Big Mouth Bass is that hilarious singing fish you fix to the wall. With the push of a button, he comes to life, singing, and flapping around and such.
Thanks to modern technology, Billy doesn't have to just be a little thing in the house anymore. This giant, blow-up version can sit in your yard, caroling out to the neighbors as they pass by and admire your other redneck Christmas decor.
Put Those Decorative Flamingoes To Good Use

No matter what anyone says, the fact of the matter is this: decorative flamingoes are just as relevant in the winter as they are at any other point in the year. If you don't believe us, just look at what this creative exterior designer did with their decorative flamingoes.
They simply lined the flamingoes up in rows of two with the largest flamingo in the back. They then affixed a string of Christmas lights to the birds so they would look like the reindeer guiding Santa's sleigh. With a little Santa hat on the big reindeer in the back, you can hardly tell the difference.
Create A Santa-Mobile

There's no need to go out and spend a fortune on a fake reindeer when you can easily build one out of the wood in your own backyard. Simply use different sizes of wood to create the body and head, then attach some twigs to the top as antlers.
If you really want to go all out, find an abandoned car from the early to mid 20th century and attach it to the back of your reindeer like a Santa-mobile.
Created A Dirt Bike Christmas Tree

The one thing preventing Christmas from truly being the most wonderful time of the year is that you can't take your dirt bike out in the snow. Sure, you can go all out with winter tires and such, but why not save yourself the hassle and pay homage to that big, beautiful bike another way.
At first glance, you may have thought this photo was sideways. Rest assured, that bike is, in fact, positioned on its back tire and leaned against a wall like a glorious Christmas tree. The helmet makes a perfectly suitable tree topper, as well.
Get A Santa Sleigh Cart

Whether you're on the way to the grocery store or just out for a midday stroll, a Santa sleigh cart is a redneck Christmas must-have. Just look at this happy woman in her fuzzy, flannel onesie and cowboy boots.
Thanks to her Santa sleigh cart, she doesn't have to worry about her little dogs messing up their elf and reindeer costumes. She's also creatively duct-taped Christmas bags to the sleigh, just in case onlookers weren't sure what the theme was.
Give Your Pickup Truck Some Glow

Nothing says, "Ho, ho, ho" like a glowing pickup truck. Driving around in this thing, you'll feel like the ghost of Santa Claus' past. Just imagine floating by on the dark streets in this illuminated truck; people will see your Christmas cheer coming from miles away.
This truck owner didn't just stop at the lights, though. They also implemented some kind of green and red glowing dots into the paint of the automobile. And in case that doesn't tip off the neighbors, throw a light-up tree into the truck's bed for good measure.
Do A Tire Tree Outside

When it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, it's not every day that you see a decorated Christmas tree out in the yard. For one, some people don't want to risk the decorations getting ruined by the weather.
That's why you need a durable, weather-proof tire Christmas tree. The strong rubber is sure to withstand and winter weather. Just paint the tires green and arrange them from largest to smallest in a stack. Top it with another tire painted yellow and you have a front yard masterpiece.
Dress Up Your Stuffed Animals

We don't mean your child's snuggly, plush stuffed animals, silly. We're talking about the animals you've hunted, gutted, stuffed, and put on display as an interior design choice. If you're going to dress up your pets, you can't forget those guys on the wall.
This little raccoon just became a whole lot more approachable thanks to his Santa hat and beard. Plus, it's a subtle hint for the kids when they wake up and look for the elf on the shelf, who is snuggled right up next to Raccoon Santa.
Also Decorate The Animal Skulls On The Wall

As for the hunted animals who were not made to look all cute and cuddly, don't let that deter your Christmas spirit. Add a little charm to that bull's skull with an adorable pair of golden reindeer antlers.
The bullhorns were practically designed to hang signs and light strings from. Rest a friendly "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" across the face of that gorgeous animal skull. It does double the duty, acting as both a welcome sign and a warning.
Merry Cactus

Nothing in this Earth screams "I love the deep south" quite like a cactus Christmas tree topped with a cowboy hat. It rewrites Christmas history as though Santa had a toothpick hanging out of his mouth and spurs attached to the back of his boots.
Just imagine Santa Claus out on the dirt road, delivering presents to saloons while riding horseback and rope catching the naughty list folks. That's the redneck story of Christmas that this cactus tree tells.
Save A Tree: Use A Plunger

The expression on this young man's face is exactly how you should look after crafting the world's smallest Christmas tree. If you're scaling back on the Christmas expenses this year, this may be the perfect solution.
Head out to your local Christmas tree farm with an ax, or a pair of scissors to be more discreet. Snag a tiny branch off a tree and tie it to the plunger you use at home. All you need is an ornament or two and you're set and ready for redneck Christmas!
Show Off Your Redneck Holiday Cheer

Don't forget to document all of this redneck Christmas fun with photographs in your best holiday getup. Matching flannel PJs are an easy and comfortable choice for the whole family.
Park it on a power scooter in front of an RV and let your natural redneck flair out. This woman's crouched-down pose seems effortless while her significant other relaxes into his mobility chair. This year, give the gift of rednecking with awkward photos and unusual decorations.
At Least It Won't Die?

Some people like to think outside the box when it comes to fun decorations. But this might be taking it a bit too far. First off, who has this many red solo cups lying around? Outside of a college party, the answer is no one.
Secondly, who has the amount of patience it would take to line all of those cups up and glue them together to form this lovely tree? Well, a redneck tree is better than no tree.
The Stockings Were Hung On The Chimney With Care

This family is beyond ready for a good old fashioned redneck Christmas. We mean, who needs stockings when plastic Walmart bags are readily available to hang up on the mantel?
Ironically, it looks as though this family did go Christmas decoration shopping. But, we get it. Three Santa Claus statues are definitely more important for the overall aesthetic than actual stockings. All we can say is that they better wrap everything that goes into those bags or else there is no surprise!
Just In Case People Forgot This Person Owned A Truck

Truck people love suiting up their vehicles and letting people know they rule the roads. So, why would the holidays be any different? This person obviously wanted people to know they were celebrating the most redneck of redneck Christmas's, illuminating the outside of their truck with colored lights.
While it might look tacky in the best way possible, at least no one will hit the car. They'll see it coming from miles away!
Tacky Lights For A Redneck Christmas Party

Why get a string of colored lights for your next holiday party when you can take a page out of this redneck Christmas book? All you need to do is grab some solo cups, ribbon, and balloons.
Then with a bit of help from crazy glue, you can put all of the materials together to form these fun lights! They won't actually give off any light whatsoever, but these people are probably very excited to show off their craft.
Spruce Up Your Front Door With This Solo Cup Wreath

One holiday decoration staple a lot of people have hanging from somewhere, typically a front door is a wreath. And not just any wreath. These wreaths are typically beautifully green, with lights and bobbles attached to give them a holiday flare.
Well, these people said to each their own and grabbed red solo cups from their kitchen and one of their dish towels to construct this redneck wreath. At least it won't shed pin needles everywhere, we guess.
Forget A Wreath, Grab A Tractor Tire

Who needs to go out and buy a wreath that's just going to die in a few weeks when there is a perfectly good tractor tire lying around the front yard? Answer: no one; grab the tire, and construct your own redneck inspired wreath!
So long as the tire's green and you have some lights and a bow to spare, there's no way you're not going to be the talk of the neighborhood with this bad boy!
A Toast!

Imagine sitting down for Christmas dinner only to have someone come around to pour some wine in these amazing redneck goblets. Because nothing says Happy Holidays and "I'm so grateful to be surrounded by loved ones" quite like a red solo cup on a glass stand.
The best part about these is that you're able to make them yourself! So, it's time to get your DIY project on and become the talk of the Christmas party toast.
A Little KFC For The Christmas Feast

Everyone has their own idea of what should be served for Christmas dinner. While some people opt to do some traditional ham, maybe some fish, there are others who do something completely out of left field. Take this family, for instance.
There was no need for China plates and precious silver from great-great-great-great Aunt Betty for this redneck feast. For them, finger foods, KFC, crockpot specials, and chips that might be stale is all that's needed.
Herbie The Love Bug Meets Santa

Seriously, though, if you're able to get an entire car suspended in mid-air using nothing but a pully system, major props on the decoration. That being said, this is some next-level redneck decorating.
There is definitely a sense of creativity with this makeshift sleigh, but did the family not need their car? Also, at night, the reindeer might light up, but the car surely doesn't. So, their neighbors are just staring at two floating deer. It sounds more like Halloween than Christmas!
String Up Some TP Rolls For Bathroom Garlands

With this garland decoration, these people had to consciously save all of the toilet paper rolls to acquire enough to make the strand go from one side of the mirror to the other. But, you have to admit, it brings a little something extra to the bathroom.
We mean, who wants to be able to look in the mirror anyway? Or put things down, not the counter, for that matter? Clearly, the oddly large Santa statue is more important.
Elf On The Shelf Working For John Deer

What says "the holidays" more than Elf on the Shelf? Each holiday season new variations of this guy grace the internet. But it seems as though this particularly redneck Christmas gave the Elf a bit of a break from his typical "I need to sit on something that rhymes with shelf" job.
Instead, they put him in a tiny John Deer t-shirt and threw him on a tractor. If there is a rhyme in there, we're missing it.
One Mans Hardware Is Another Mans Decor

The saying "one mans trash is another mans treasure" is partially true when it comes to the ornament. The nails nails and bolts are necessarily trash, but they are tools that probably could have been used elsewhere in the house.
Alas, who needs cabinet doors to stay on the hinges when there are Christmas tree ornaments to make for the holiday season! The only question is how this person was able to perfectly bend the nails in order to keep all of the parts together. The world may never know the secret.
What Could It Possibly Be?

There is a certain skill that comes with wrapping presents. And when it comes to this particular item, the wrapper went above and beyond. Most people would just put a big pretty ribbon on top of the tractor.
But that's just too easy. Instead, this person went all out, wrapping every square inch of the gift for the other to unwrap. Talk about a waste of paper and the biggest pain to open!
Hunny, The Tree Is Up!

Indeed, it's a redneck Christmas at this household! The fact that this family thought that tree was going to fit inside their house is, first off, bold, and secondly, not smart. It is clearly way too big, as seen by the gaping hole in the roof.
Props to the person who strung the lights, though. They weren't going to half-light the tree solely because the top is sticking out of the house! Go big or go home, and this family clearly went a little too big. At least there's a star.
Gingerbread RV, Complete With Santa, A Grill, And A Tree

Who ever said a gingerbread house needed to be a stationary house? This person obviously didn't, throwing the traditional concept of the craft out the window and creating this magnificent edible scene.
The gingerbread RV is complete with cardboard cutouts of Santa, A picnic table with a tree, and even a grill cooking up some hotdogs. It might be a tad redneck, but out adventure souls are kind of in love with this!
Dressed And Ready For Christmas Dinner

If you're not dressed in a camo suit, complete with a white cowboy hat, for Christmas dinner, are you even having a redneck Christmas? Seriously, this guy is going above and beyond, pulling out all the stops to make sure he looks nice and yet ready to go hunting at a moment's notice.
We wouldn't be surprised if he's the one who supplied the meat for the dinner he is no doubt about to sit down to enjoy.
This Redneck Christmas Is An Actual Dumpster Fire

These people are over here living their best redneck Christmas. Living way out into the future, this family decided they're better than recycling this holiday season. So, what did they do instead?
They took all of their Amazon boxes and threw them into a garbage can fire. We mean, that's one way to get rid of unwanted boxes. Hopefully they at least have some s'mores ingredients lying around so that fire has more of a purpose than disintegrating cardboard.
A Family Tradition

Some families' holiday tradition is to bake cookies, others are to band together and decorate the tree, and then there is this family who somehow found a book titled The Redneck Night Before Christmas.
The fact that this book exists and that the reindeer are replaced with opossums, and Santa's sleigh is a pickup truck is amazing. Even more amazing is that someone went out and bought this book. They better read it every Christmas Eve, or we'll be very disappointed!
Starting The Redneck Christmas Traditions Young

There is only one way to keep traditions alive, starting them when the kids are young. It explains the little boy in his camouflage-colored jeep, which is an awesome gift, but there is a lot of other things to unpack.
He must have seen one of those Christmas light trucks driving down the road and wanted to spruce up his ride, adding tinsel and garlands. And can we talk about the tree in his passenger seat? Adorable.
Mom Knows Best...?

First off, this fish stocking is amazing. Second off, props to the mother who knows her children so well as to do something as bold as putting a tiny can of Vienna Sausages in their stocking.
Hey, they're living their best redneck life in this household, and we couldn't be more thrilled about it. Maybe this will give you some stocking stuffer inspiration -- have a can of spam in the cabinet? Stuff it in a stocking!