Photos That Explain Why Walmart Gets A “Trashy” Label
Walmart isn't for everyone, but if you like to people-watch it's the best place on earth. You never know what you might see while shopping for your goods. One day, you might see someone in a Winnie the Pooh suit, and the next, someone might have a long piece of toilet paper hanging from the back of their pants. It isn't always pretty in there, but they do have great deals. Here are some preposterous things that have been spotted at Walmart.
She IS Fashion

Was this woman drunk when she decided to head over to Walmart, or is this her daily attire? The guy she's holding hands with doesn't care about her appearance, but others in the store might.
Maybe the two of them came back from a costume party, and she went as an Amazonian queen. You never know these days, but she shouldn't have worn that wildness to Walmart. There are kids there!
This Is A Woman

Whatever you do, you can't call this lady, sir. No matter how much her appearance might fool you, she wants you to know that she's a woman. From the back, looks are deceiving, so you can understand why the sign is there.
In the front, it might be a different story. If only she had turned around for this picture, then we could see if the sign on the back was necessary.
Anyone Have A Monkey Stroller?

Have you ever seen anyone bring a monkey with them to a store? Probably not, so here's what that looks like. Of course, this had to be a Walmart where all the wild things happen.
Maybe she went looking for a stroller to put this monkey in, or perhaps she wanted to show the animal off to the local shoppers. There's no reason for a baby monkey to be at Walmart like this.
Dragging The Kids With You

Little kids don't particularly like going grocery shopping. Sometimes, you have to drag them to make them come along, and that's what happened with this boy. His back is probably filthy now.
Do you wonder why the man in charge of the wheelchair allows the kid to do this? Well, there's no logical explanation for things you might come across at Wally World. You have to take what you see in stride and keep shopping.
He Needs Love

Good thing the internet decided to blur out his number, or else his phone would ring nonstop! This is what happens when you can't afford a Tinder premium, so you advertise on yourself.
To each his own, but this tactic is a little absurd. Sure, he might catch a girl's attention, but is she going to call someone looking for women at a Walmart? The answer to that is probably not, but a guy can dream.
Snakes In Her Shirt

You've heard of snakes on the plane, but here are snakes in her shirt. Much like the lady walking around with a monkey, this is pretty obscure. Still, you can count on someone doing something different at Walmart.
The insane part about this is that the snake can slither away from her at any moment and start terrorizing the people at the store. If that were to happen, someone might do the honors of suing this lady.
There Goes Sonic!

Wow, Sonic the Hedgehog is alive and well after his movie bombed. It takes a lot to subdue that fast hedgehog, but here he is at Walmart looking for some batteries.
On a serious note, how does one get their hair to look like this? The man behind this Sonic imposter has his mouth wide open because he can't believe what's going on at the store. Maybe the Sonic figure should be in the ring section.
This Man Felt Pretty

Well, at least he doesn't have a sign on his back saying that he's a woman. He might have some lady accessories on, but this man is confident in himself.
The confidence allowed him to leave the house in this outfit and walk in the store without a care in the world. Still, someone noticed and managed to take a picture from far away. Maybe he'll see this one day and laugh about it.
She Must Love Spongebob

If you walk into the store and see this, your best bet is to turn around and head to Target. Maybe she has a strong love for Spongebob and didn't think this was insane.
Maybe she thought all the kids would love it. There's no telling why she stepped out of the house in this, but she should know the vast majority of folks probably don't want to see this while shopping.
When Your Kids Won't Listen

Why is this lady walking around with handcuffs? Well, maybe the answer to that isn't important, but what is crucial is figuring out why she locked up this kid. Is he a menace to Walmart?
Does he go around poking holes in the plastic, making the products less valuable? If he does anything out of the ordinary, maybe it was the right choice to tie him up like this. Maybe he'll learn one day.
The Woman With The Dragon In Her Hair

Sure, you've heard of the lady with the dragon tattoo, but what about the woman with the dragon in her hair? Is that a pet that you can bring around anywhere?
It probably isn't but there aren't any rules when you go shopping at Walmart. You can have a pet lizard, monkey, and even a snake! You're probably wondering what animal you might see next, so you might want to stay tuned...
Gone Fishing

This man wanted to fish and wasn't going to let anyone get in his way. That's the kind of mentality you have to have when you want things in life.
The only issue is he's at Walmart and not a lake. Is he fishing for the one he wants to take home? If it bites, then that must be the one he needs to purchase. How come security didn't stop him from doing this?
Cover Your Eyes, Children

Imagine you're a parent about to stop at the Redbox at Walmart, but this woman is right next to the machine. You have your young kids with you, and she's practically not wearing any bottoms.
Do you wait until she leaves, or do you move forward with conviction? Maybe you can cover your children's eyes like you're at the movie theater and a naught scene just started. She should know better than to do this.
She Was In A Hurry

Can you believe no one had the decency to tell her that she had this toilet paper coming out of her pants? This the one tail that she didn't want.
If there were streaks of brown marks on it, then that would be a total mess. She would have to get banned from Walmart if that happened, so thank goodness it didn't. Still, how did she not notice this was there?
He Made Some Interesting Choices That Day

No matter what you say, this man didn't have to put on this outfit. He looks like an elf reject that didn't make the casting for Bad Santa. That pink hat really takes things over the top.
If we look at this from a positive point of view, maybe he lost a bet and had to go shopping like this. There are many stories of people losing fantasy football and having to do wild things.
Really Nice Masks!

Wouldn't you say the masks this older couple has on are unique? You probably won't come across many that come in that style, but anything is possible if you're at Walmart.
Maybe they were in a rush and didn't have time to find their original masks. Plus, they're a little older, so you can give them a pass for this. Next time, the employees should probably tell them that's a little inappropriate.
He Needed A Nap

Who says you can't take a random nap in an aisle at Walmart? This guy never heard that rule before, as he sets himself upon this electronics stand.
Sometimes, you can't figure out what people have going through their minds. For whatever reason, this man thought it was okay to do this in the middle of the store. You probably won't see anything like this at any other place of business.
That's One Place You Can Stand

Standing on the behind of your parent or guardian sounds weird, but it's even worse when you see it. That boy is perfectly balanced on this woman's back, and she isn't even shifting her body.
You for sure won't see anything like this at Target or Whole Foods, but that's what makes Walmart so special. You never know what you'll run into! Hopefully, that little boy didn't stumble off of her back.
Who Needs Hands?

You don't need hands when you can use your feet to grab things, but who does that? It looks like this lady enjoys grabbing soda with her long legs, but why?
It's best not to question anything you see going on at Walmart because the answer to it will probably upset you or make you even more confused. This is the place people go to be themselves, not Burning Man or Coachella.
Would You Get Your Dress From Walmart?

Everyone has their own preference, but how many women do you think would get their wedding dresses from Walmart? We have one here trying it one, but she shouldn't drop her standards this low.
It might be way cheaper, but the quality of it isn't the best. Unless somehow Walmart managed to design superior wedding gowns and distribute them at their low prices, this isn't a move you should make.
This Man Doesn't Care About Anything

This outfit isn't for everyone, and it probably shouldn't be for him either. This is something you might see at the Coachella festival, not Walmart, but he doesn't care about that.
This guy wanted to wear what his heart desired, then go to Walmart looking for his needs. He's standing in line with no items in his hands, so maybe he wanted to show off his amazing outfit because not enough people saw it.
What Is This?

Cheese onion sounds like a good name for a cat! You can call her cheese for short and say the full name whenever she gets in trouble. Since when did they start selling cats at Walmart?
If they officially start selling cats at this fine franchise, you can bet there will be even more crazy sightings than there already is. This snuggled up cat is pretty rare and random, but it is what it is.
This Guy's Hair

What barber told him this was okay to get? He should fire him and find someone else because this isn't the way to go. Did any of his family warn him about this?
Perhaps, he doesn't have anyone that can tell him his ways are wrong. This haircut shouldn't have ever surfaced, and whoever decides to get one might be mad. The only thing positive about this image is this man's shirt.
How Did It Not Break?

Is it crazy to wonder how this electric cart didn't break down? This should be the ad image for the carts at Walmart because it shows how sturdy they can be!
This is no knock on the woman inside it, but all that weight in one basket shows that Walmart knows how to pick engineers. You can't forget about the person operating the thing, who probably adds a few more pounds to this.
The Official Car Of Walmart

Some places have humans as their ambassadors, but not Walmart. Presenting to you the official car of Walmart! This thing is unlike anything you've ever seen before because no one has ever done it.
Combining an SUV with a sedan is unheard of, so the only place you can find it is at Wally World. If you ever come across something like this, know that a Walmart must be close to you!
Say Hi To The Yellow Teletubby

Who knew that the Teletubby's were real? Here's one shopping at Walmart in a fresh pair of Air Jordans! It almost looks like she's ready to take on Bill like Uma Thurman.
If not Thurman, then maybe a Minion is more fitting. Overall, this is a perfect outfit for Halloween because it can pass for so many things. The best one has to be a Teletubby, but we aren't here to judge.
Never Grabbing A Handrail Again

After seeing this image, are you grabbing handrails still? That's a tough one because they help you with your balance, but falling over isn't so bad when you have this image imprinted in your mind.
This lady is doing this with no regard for anyone else who might walk by that rail. The people that she's with didn't bother telling her that she shouldn't do things like this in public.
What's This About?

This happens when you can't find a mask, but you really need to go into Walmart. You use the helmet of the mascot outfit as your mask and pretend everything is fine.
This isn't the worst thing you've seen so far on this list, but it might one of the weirdest. You never know what someone wearing something like this can, so you need to be cautious when you see this.
Setting An Example For Your Child

This woman chose to go to Walmart wearing a shirt and leopard print underwear. She has a child with her, so she's setting a fine example for this young lady!
When she grows up, she'll continue the cycle of people wearing and doing whatever when they go to Walmart. Honestly, she couldn't find any pants for the occasion, or was this outfit on purpose? Can't security kick her out for this?
Finding Out How Good It Is

You can't buy a suitcase before reading the reviews on it. Well, this girl decided to try it out for herself. It makes you wonder if she's used to getting inside of them while traveling.
It looks like someone caught her in the act and decided to snap this picture. Her face says guilty, but deep down she doesn't care that she looks insane. Some people are built differently and she's one of them.
What's He Doing With All Those Chips?

Either this man wants to start selling chips on the side, or he has a strange addiction to them. Is it even allowed to purchase this many of one thing without them stopping you?
He's probably done this before, so he isn't concerned about the strange looks people will give him in the checkout line. It's even better if he goes to the self-checkout line, but security will keep their eyes on him.
Only At Walmart

Who would even think of doing something like this? As if others don't need to buy bread at the store. If she has bad knees, that's when you have to ask someone else for help.
This guy taking the picture couldn't offer to help so she wouldn't destroy all the good bread? It's cheap, but that doesn't mean you can treat it how you wish. Hopefully, she came back to buy these.
Help The Guy Up

Did he fall onto the chips and act injured so he could try and sue Walmart? If so, too bad there are cameras that will see the real story. If you're going to do that, at least pull down your shirt, pal.
Some people are capable of anything, and will do whatever, but only if it's at Walmart. It's like the store gives you courage you wouldn't have anywhere else.
Is This What Babies Are For?

Maybe this guy wants the whole store to see how cute his baby is. There's no explanation for this, but it is pretty cute. It wasn't necessary, but neither is anything wild that people do at Walmart.
When this child grows up, it would cool to find this image of himself. He can ask his dad why he made him create a retail version of that famous scene from The Lion King.
She Knows What She Likes

This woman has no filter. This is probably her favorite hoodie to pick up men in, but she has her child with her this time. Do you think guys still shoot their shot with the kid around?
They probably do, but hopefully, they censor what they really want to say. They shouldn't ask which one is her favorite because that would be inappropriate. That sounds like a double-standard, but cut her some slack.
What Happened Here?

If this isn't Halloween blood, then Walmart needs to get it's act together. Someone needs to be cleaning the floors right away if there was anything that resembled blood. Imagine slipping and falling into this mess.
Whoever let this happened and didn't clean it up needs some more home training. If it were water, then you wouldn't have to worry about it too much. Since it's blood-like, this isn't cool at all.
Unbothered By The Fire

Somehow, a fire broke loose at this Walmart. People who shop at other stores probably wouldn't stand around the flames like this. The guy on the left strolled by like he didn't care.
They're staring at it like it's a water fountain and not a potential explosion hazard. If that thing were to cause a combustion, you can bet they won't ever look at fire the same way again. Maybe they're figuring out how to extinguish it.
What Is He Wearing?

This man is ready to hit the club right after this purchase. There's no way of explaining what he's wearing, People can wear whatever they want these days, so you can't really say too much about this.
All you can do when you see is this is look and try not to laugh. He looks like he found those clothes in the garbage, threw them on, and went to Walmart.
The Snake Fell!

See, this is why you shouldn't bring snakes to Walmart! Okay, this isn't the same one the woman from earlier had on her, but this is still scary. If a snake crawled on you while shopping, how would you feel?
You'd probably scream extremely loud or jump into a cart. That would cause a scene and everyone would start to think you're crazy, but since you're at Walmart, no one will even notice the snake.
That's Covering A Lot!

This lady decided to step out in shorts that aren't even shorts. There are some strings holding these two pieces of clothe together, but that's about it. If we revealed more of the picture, it would be NSFW all the way.
It could be her way of making a fashion statement, but she should've waited for the club to do this. Parents don't want their kids seeing this lady flaunting her stuff.
Nice Outfit!

Unless Oscar the Grouch has human legs, no one should be inside of a trashcan like this outside of a store. Was it Halloween and this was his costume? If that's the case, then this isn't so bad.
Still, imagine seeing a little kid in a trash can walking around the parking lot. Does the mother not care about this child or does she love so much she lets him get away with whatever?
Nice Holder For Your Glasses `

Here's one way to keep your glasses safe. They also act as a shield from showing everyone the crack. This guy did this on purpose, and that's what makes this disturbing.
When he stands back up, he's going to put the glasses back on his face and act like nothing happened. This is just as gross as it is ridiculous. The person who snapped the photo probably had a good laugh.