Hilarious Pizza Delivery Fails That Prove You Should Open The Box Before Tipping
Many love pizza for its convenience and taste, but both of those things can go out the window if the delivery driver is reckless. A beautiful pie can turn into a pile of mush that not even melted cheese can make look appetizing. To be fair, sometimes the mistake starts with the kitchen, such as a missing ingredient or burnt crust. But ultimately, the delivery driver is the last set of eyes that can do a quality check and too many times they don't. The good news is, the ensuing pizza fail is so baffling it's hilarious.
This Is Why You Don't Hold The Box Under Your Arm
This pizza looks like it fell subject to a rookie mistake: not holding it flat at all times! It's like the delivery driver turned the box on its side to hold it under their arm.
While the pizza was on its side, the cheese would have been pulled down by gravity, leaving it a gloppy mess at the edge of the box. Somehow the melted cheese just doesn't look appetizing when it's sliding off the pizza.
This Looks Like It Was Done On Purpose
This pizza is folded up so much that it looks like it must have been done by hand. Even if you turned the box in all directions and shook it vigorously, we can't imagine it would naturally cause this many folds.
That must be why the person who received the pizza joked, "Poker face of the year award goes to the delivery guy who took our money and left before we opened it." The lesson here is always check the box first!
Did They Shake It Side to Side?
This pizza looks like it was baked in the shape of a rectangle instead of a circle, but it's hard to tell with how torn apart it is. The pizza is so divided that there's an empty space in between.
It's as though the delivery driver shook the box side to side so hard that one half stuck to one side while the other slide across the box. The pizza may be a mess, but at least they didn't forget the five packets of garlic!
It's Only Missing 99% Of The Ingredients
We're pretty positive that this is not how the customer ordered their pizza. Why would they take a picture of such a sad looking pie? It's essentially a pile of dough with some sausage sprinkled over one side.
The discoloration of the dough makes it appear as though there may be some cheese on one side, too, but we can't be sure. All in all, this certainly doesn't seem worth the cost, especially when you tack on the delivery charge.
They Definitely Dropped It Upsidedown
Someone seems to have dropped this pizzabox on its head. It could have been someone at the restaurant who didn't want to make a whole new pizza. Another possibility is that the delivery driver did on their way to or from the car.
Perhaps the box fell off the seat in the car and flipped upsidedown. Either way, someone should have checked the damage. If they had they would have noticed that there's more cheese on the box than on the pizza!
Did They Scrape It Clean?
This pizza looks like someone intentionally scraped the toppings to one side. Even the sauce seems light, as though someone used a spoon to slide it all off. To be fair, the pizza doesn't appear to have had much on it to begin with.
Compared to some of the other pies we've seen, this one seems rather skimpy, especially with the thin crust all folded and bent. At least the pizza to the left seems relatively normal.
Talk About A Flimsy Pizza!
Some people like thin crust pizza, but this one looks like it was made on a tortilla! It's so flimsy that one of the slices is rolled up like a burrito. With a crust that weak, it was bound to fold up to one side.
Still, it comes down to how the delivery driver and other workers handled the box. If they kept it carefully held upright, the pizza would at least still look like a circle.
Step Aside, Toppings
This pizza looks like the toppings were added after the crust started being cooked, resulting in undercooked toppings that just slide right off. We're no chef, but those mushrooms and pepperonis look like they barely were cooked.
As with the other pizzas that had messy toppings, this one was probably handled wrong at some point. Maybe someone held the box under one arm or dropped it, or perhaps it just fell in the car. Either way, they should have checked.
Huddled Up In One Corner
This pizza looks like it's trying to huddle up in one corner to avoid being eaten! It's like the pie is inching as far away from the person who opened the box as possible.
In actuality, it probably just slid around in the car. The crust must be quite flimsy because it wasn't enough to hold up against the edges of the boxes. Instead, it just folded up like a blanket and turned into a mess.
Burnt AND Thrown Around
While this thin crust at least isn't as flimsy as some of the other ones, it is burnt! It looks like there's hardly an sauce and cheese on the pizza, but one ingredient they didn't skimp on was the olives.
Unfortunately, the black olives only serve to make the burnt pizza look that much darker. To top it off, the slices are all jambled like someone threw the box around. Hopefully, it was just the consumers inspecting each slice to see if anything was salvagable.
The One That Got Away
This pizza had so much potential, but one slice just couldn't keep it together. The slice somehow ended up smashed against the roof of the pizza box. It looks like someone picked it up and threw it there.
Our best guess is that the box flipped over at some point and one slice somehow stuck. When the person went to open the box, the still-stuck slide slid down to reveal the image we're now looking at.
Just Some Bread And Sauce Please
Some people really love their pizza plain, but that wasn't the case here. The woman who posted this picture specifically stated, "Not what I ordered!" She went on to demand a refund due to the missing cheese.
We can't blame her for wanting her money back. It's hard to justify paying full price for some sauce-covered bread. She could have just dipped a slice of bread into a marinara jar if that's what she wanted!
You Asked For Half Cheese, Right?
The first problem with this mashed up pizza is that the box is too small. There's no way that the rounded version of this pizza would have cleanly fit into such a thin box.
That must explain why the crust looks so lop-sided; it probably had to be squished in a little to fit. Then on the way, the pizza somehow slid to one side, and all the toppings fell over. It wouldn't be too bad if they wanted half their pie without cheese.
That's One Way To Eat Pizza
We're fairly sure that this pizza was a result of a special instruction to actually cut it this way. Why else would the cook decided to cut it into four triangles that are then split horizontally by three circles?
The only thing we could imagine would be advantageous about this cut is if you have kids. The smaller pieces would be good for youngens, plus they're crust-free. Or perhaps someone wanted smaller pieces for portion control?
Just Stretch It Out, It'll Be Fine
This pizza is so doughy that the crust was thick enough to hold in all the toppings. Unfortunately, it was also soft enough to still become misshaped. Someone joked that the pizza should say "some assembly required."
It's hard to tell if the pizza is past the point of no return or not. It seems like you could stretch it out and it would look pretty normal, but the consumers may have still wanted a refund.
Did They Eat A Slice And Fill The Space With Cheese?
This pizza is confusing because there's so much cheese and grease that it's hard to tell that some slices are missing. It's like the delivery driver snagged a couple of slices and then filled in the space with cheese.
Some may find the grease extra appealing, but it seems to be drowning the crust so that it's soggy and can hardly hold up. We would rate this a 1 out of 10 for both the execution and the delivery.
They Were Just Trying To Balance The Pizza On One Corner
This pizza wasn't even cut! Perhaps if it had been, the grooves would have held the toppings on a little more. The flat surface acted as a slip and slide, enabling the toppings to drift into one corner of the box.
The result is a pie you'd need to eat with a fork and a knife. Hopefully, the toppings aren't too stuck to the box, or they might get a bite of cardboard. On the bright side, the crust looks tasty.
What Even Happened Here?
This pizza is such a complete and utter mess that we can't even begin to unravel what happened here. It's so baffling that we almost think it was staged. We could imagine that the delivery driver or someone else dropped the boxed, resulting in the cheese on the lid.
However, the slices are such a jumbled mess that it seems like the consumer threw them into a pile to exaggerate the damage. Either way, we're sure they'll get a refund.
Pull Apart Each Slice And Throw Them Around
This pizza is a mess, but the slices themselves look pretty good in terms of how they were cooked. The toppings even stayed on, which is surprising given how jumbled the slices are.
The worst part is how long it took the consumer to even get the pizza! They explained, "After 1 hour and 15 minutes and two phone calls from the delivery driver, I finally got my pizza." All that hassle for a subpar pie.
Not One Fail, But Two!
This restaurant delivered not one sloppy pizza, but two! The pizza to the left hardly looks like it's an entire pizza. The slices don't appear to add up to be as large as the other pie.
Though both look like they were cooked well, something must have happened during the delivery process that left them in shambles. We're not sure it's worth sending back, but it might be nice if they at least got a coupon or something.
It Was Their First Day On The Job
This pizza is perfectly acceptable aside from one hilarious detail. Whoever cut it must have been new on the job because they cut one slice first and then tried to cut the other ones around it!
It's an awkward sight, but not one that would affect the quality of the pizza. The consumer probably just took a picture for laughs and then went on eating. It might be worth mentioning it to the restaurant, though, just for future reference.
Be Sure To Eat With Water
This pizza is another one that didn't have an issue with the delivery but probably shouldn't have gotten past the kitchen. The toppings are noticeably burnt, so we can't imagine what it looks like underneath.
To top it off, it looks as though they forgot the sauce because that pizza is dry as can be. You'd need to take a gulp of water after each bite just to get through it, and that's if you can get past the burnt taste.
Pizza Fail Twinning!
The funny thing about this pizza delivery fail is that both pies morphed in the exact same way. It's like someone ran the edge of their hand into the side of both pizzas, leaving them in this pinched shape.
Even the cheese on both is sticking to the lid of the box in a similar way. Clearly, something happened on the way over that impacted both boxes. The delivery driver somehow thought they wouldn't notice.
They Got It Half Right
This pizza looks delicious, aside from the fact most of it is just sauce and bread. It must be a relatively common request to have half the pizza so plain because this isn't the first we've seen like this.
The cooks must have thought that they wanted half their pizza with just sauce for some reason. Whatever the miscommunication was, it left the customers with only a few slices worth eating, while the rest is pretty much a waste.
So Close, Yet So Far
This is another pizza that looks like it may have been too big for the box from the start. The pie has now folded into itself so that half of the slices are bent out of shape.
The good news is that it still looks delicious and worth eating. However, the handling of it is something that should probably be addressed, at least so that the workers know. It's a shame to see a good pizza mishandled.