People Who Have Achieved Peak Dad

Dads are special people. They're so unique that they earned a whole category of jokes dedicated to them. While they can be amazing, they also have their moments that make you question how they got this dad-like.

Children and wives know what that means, but go ahead and better understand by seeing times when dads really outdid themselves. Keep reading to see some dads who are the most dad dads who've ever parented on this planet.

"My Dad Trying To Take Panoramics Of Me. I'm Mad AF"

messed up panorama pic of daughter
Photo Credit: @sc_x_cs / Twitter
Photo Credit: @sc_x_cs / Twitter

Not every dad can handle tech like others.

This daughter put the camera in the wrong hands, but now she knows who not to trust. Next time, Dad better come correct. It's better to just not take panoramic photos. Most of the time, they end up all distorted. You never need to take a panoramic photo of a human being. Although I have to admit, this distorted human being is pretty hilarious. Where did her neck go?


He Had To Do It

Dad next to large letters F A R posing as a human T
Photo Credit: @famousamos_12 / Twitter
Photo Credit: @famousamos_12 / Twitter

There was no stopping this father. He never asks for pictures because he waited his whole life for this moment to happen. This is what it all came down to.


Honestly, it's pretty perfect, and the most dad thing ever. If your dad didn't jump at the opportunity to be the "T in the word "fart" when the opportunity presented itself, is he even your dad? This just seems like quintessential dad behavior. It's basically like dad 101.


She Thought Wrong

tweet: "thought I was meowing back to my cat for the past hour but it turns out it was just me and my dad meowing at each other from different rooms in the house"
Photo Credit: @lookwhoshira / Twitter
Photo Credit: @lookwhoshira / Twitter

This girl probably thought she found a way to develop a closer bond with her cat.


How do you think she felt after discovering it was her dad making the noises? Maybe she ended up developing a closer bond with her dad, and honestly, if that was the case, I think it was worth it. The cat was just watching this whole thing go down totally silent. He must think that he lives in a house full of crazy people.


Being A Dad Is Like...

dad texting daughter acting like a hotel manager to ask when she's coming home
Photo Credit: @harlz_ / Twitter
Photo Credit: @harlz_ / Twitter

Being a parent can't be easy. When your child is out, you'll have those moments where you worry about their safety.


This dad only wanted to know if his daughter would come to eat at home that night. Sometimes you have to get creative with text messages if you want to get a response from your kids. This dad clearly knows how to get his daughter's attention. I guess now he's getting the whole internet's attention.


Nice Outfit You Got There!

cosplay dad as a mermaid
Photo Credit: DramaticPlan / Reddit
Photo Credit: DramaticPlan / Reddit

It looks like this father waited forever for this moment to happen. He looks happier than his daughter, but that could be just for show.


When she looks back at this photo in a decade, she might have some questions. I'm not sure what compelled this dad to put on a wig and a pair of seashells, but hey, if it makes his daughter happy then it must be worth it. The beard is a nice touch.


He Did What He Had To Do

makes a soul patch beard with eyelash
Photo Credit: @actuallynotevan / Twitter
Photo Credit: @actuallynotevan / Twitter

This man wanted some new facial hair, so that's what he got. Can you blame him for getting creative with his daughter's eyelashes?


It looks surprisingly good on him if you ask me. Even though I could see the eyelash in the photo on the left, it took me a minute to realize where it was in the photo on the right. It's good to know that false eyelashes have multiple uses and purposes for people.


He Said What He Said

Tweet: "Got to my dad's house and he was showing me all the food he has for me to snack on and he goes 'and I have a guacamole ball' what's a guacamole ball, you ask? Well I will tell you. And avocado. He has an avocado.
Photo Credit: @merestromb / Twitter
Photo Credit: @merestromb / Twitter

Who else would be excited to hear someone has a guacamole ball waiting for them?


That sounds like a tasty treat, but a regular avocado still gets the job done. This dad probably forgot the word for avocado temporarily, so he had to find another way to describe what he was holding. We think this shows good creative thinking. I might just start calling avocados guacamole balls from now on. Guacamole balls sound pretty darn delicious.


He's Ready For The Role

tweet: "my friend gave birth in her car on the way to the hospital and her husband named the kid Carson and if you don't think that's the best dad joke ever get out of my face."
Photo Credit: @eraserheadbabby / Twitter
Photo Credit: @eraserheadbabby / Twitter

This dad pulled off a great dad joke in the heat of the moment.


I wonder how his wife agreed to that name as if they hadn't already decided on one. I mean, Carson is a pretty nice name for a boy as it is. Maybe his wife didn't realize the joke until the name was already on the birth certificate. Now this kid has a great story to tell whenever someone asks him how he got his name.


At Least He Remembered The Day

mom v dad for a birthday
Photo Credit: @michellenguyn / Twitter
Photo Credit: @michellenguyn / Twitter

He could've forgotten about her birthday, but he didn't.


He only forgot how old she was, which isn't that bad. Still, you should know how old your daughter turns every birthday. The stark difference between the text from mom and the text from dad here is so typical. This is the most dad move he could have possibly made. I love the "OK" after she corrects him. Maybe he just doesn't want to think of himself as an old man who has a 19-year-old daughter.


"Went To My Parent's House Today. My Dad Labeled His Phone"

dad labeled the bottom of his phone
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

Hey, he didn't know where the bottom of his phone was. Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands.


Even if there is a button down there, he couldn't be sure if that's where the bottom of the device was. I actually think that this is a pretty good idea if you're new to using technology. iPhones can be pretty confusing. They look like big black rectangles and not at all like the phones of the best.


He Wants Everything Back

dad learns venmo, requests $50 from their kid of "2001 tee ball registration fee"
Photo Credit: @Adamjacobbbb / Twitter
Photo Credit: @Adamjacobbbb / Twitter

Those back-to-school clothes he paid for, the tee-ball registration fee, and more are all coming back to this dad.


He has receipts for everything, so his children will never be safe. This dad probably just wants his kids to appreciate all the things that he's done for them over the years. Sometimes when dads get their hands on technology, it doesn't end well. Do you think he'll ever get those $50? I would guess probably not.


He Thinks He's Hip

dad notices a smokey eye on toy whale
Photo Credit: Twitter
Photo Credit: Twitter

There's nothing funnier than a dad who wants to be hip but tries a little too hard. It is nice to know that he's thinking about his daughter when he's out and about, though.


This dad hit his daughter with a smokey eye text that she wasn't expecting. Now that I'm looking at this whale toy, it really does look like it has a nice smokey eye. The next thing you know this dad is going to send texts related to winged liner, baking, blending, cut creases, and highlighter.


"My Dad After Realizing He Ate Half His Sandwich With The Wrapper On"

dad face-palming as someone holds up half-eaten burger wrapper
Photo Credit: freepop / Imgur
Photo Credit: freepop / Imgur

Wow, this dad was probably really hungry. How did he not realize he ate half of a wrapper?


I wonder how going to the restroom went when it was time to relieve himself? I can't imagine that the paper tasted all that good. Did he not taste it as he was eating it? Does he like eating paper. The look of shame on his face in this photo is everything. He knows what he did.


What A Way To Measure Something

Tweet: "My dad rates the complexity of a shopping list by how many phone calls home he thinks it will take. Parents are hosting a dinner party tonight and he looks at the list my mom gave him and says 'woah this is a 5-caller for sure'"
Photo Credit: @sara_connors / Twitter
Photo Credit: @sara_connors / Twitter

Measuring the complexity of a shopping list isn't something everyone does, but a dad will. The way this dad measures his list is pretty darn hilarious.


I don't even know what this dad sounds like, but I can imagine him saying "5-caller for sure." What kinds of questions do you think he asks over the phone? Probably stuff like, "did you want the 2% sour cream or the 1% sour cream?" and "they don't have All-Bran, but they have All-Bran Flakes? Is that okay?"


Sounds Like A Fun Dad

Tweet: "My dad just greeted another dad by saying 'hey tough guy' and the other dad replied by saying 'they let you in here??'"
Photo Credit: @emmeline77 / Twitter
Photo Credit: @emmeline77 / Twitter

It also sounds like this dad might start a fight unexpectedly one day.


Another father might not appreciate being called a tough guy and want to prove how tough he really is. Although if you consider that most dads are just softies with big hearts who want to make bad jokes and make their presence known, he's probably going to be pretty safe. "Hey tough guy" isn't the worst thing that you could say to someone.


"I Asked My Husband How Long The Kitchen Table Is. This Is What I Got"

kid stretched out on the table for scale
Photo Credit: hellosweetie_11 / Reddit
Photo Credit: hellosweetie_11 / Reddit

Well, it's a pretty solid method. If the mom knows how tall her son is, she can figure out the length of this table. This dad came up with a smart idea.


I mean, he could have just used a tape measure and that would have made a lot more sense, but this way is funnier and more entertaining. Sometimes you have to use your kids to determine scale, and that is a-okay in my books.


"My Dad Was Responsible For Our Neighborhood Sign This Week, A Series"

funny neighborhood signs from dad
Photo Credit: sammspiess1 / Reddit
Photo Credit: sammspiess1 / Reddit

Give this father the award for funniest signs. The chicken and the egg one is pure gold, but don't sleep on the atoms sign. I wonder if he googled these or not?


I can think of no better job for a dad than making puns for signs. If you aren't a dad, you shouldn't even apply for a position like this. Sometimes you just have to embrace dad jokes in all of their groans and glory.


"Tom Holland's Dad Acting Normal In Front Of Emma Watson"

Tom Holland's dad visibly excited to see Emma Watson
Photo Credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage
Photo Credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage

Tom Holland looks like he kept his cool around Emma Watson, but take a look at his dad. He looks like the most star-struck person ever around this Harry Potter star.


I mean, I can't blame him. I would be star-struck if Emma Watson, AKA Hermione herself, walked right in front of me too. I guess it's possible that he's smiling at the tennis game, but how could a tennis game possibly be more interesting than Emma Watson?


"I Think My Dad Has A Drug Problem..."

shoveling snow into lines
Photo Credit: btcrav2 / Reddit
Photo Credit: btcrav2 / Reddit

It wouldn't be wrong for this son to think his father has a drug problem. Those lines look too similar to something that people in '80s nightclub bathrooms would be familiar with. I have no idea why this dad thinks it's smart to shovel snow this way.


Maybe he thinks he can just leave those small lines of snow alone and they'll melt on their own? Has this guy ever shoveled snow off of a driveway before?


Bath Bombs Can Be Tricky

bright purple substance in toilet bowl. Caption "my dad thought my bath bomb was a toilet cleaner"
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

Those bath bombs sometimes look like something entirely different. Can you imagine the face this dad made after seeing the toilet transform into this unicorn-looking creation? He probably had a good laugh.


This does make for a pretty funny picture, but I can't help but think that it's a total waste of a bath bomb. Those things are like six dollars apiece. Well, at least the toilet will smell good for the next little while.


She Has A Lot To Learn

Tweet: "my dad is vacuuming while chewing sunflower seeds and he's spitting them out right in front of the vacuum to clean them up as he goes. I have so much still to learn from this man that gave me life"
Photo Credit: @molly7anne / Twitter
Photo Credit: @molly7anne / Twitter

I've never heard of anyone using this tactic. Plenty of people can learn from this father if this is how he lives his life. What other tricks does he have up his sleeve?


I would never think to vacuum as I spit, but maybe that's because I'm not a dad. I guess you have to be a dad to be this resourceful. Dads have so much to teach us. We have so much left to learn.


"My Dad Has Carried This Card In His Wallet For 40 Years..."

a business-card sized card that says "Your story has touched my heart, no F**K off and quit bothering me"
Photo Credit: ixtlu / Reddit
Photo Credit: ixtlu / Reddit

Is it even possible to keep something in your wallet for more than five years? How did he manage to keep track of this little piece of paper for four decades?


I bet this dad held onto this card because he knew that he would need to use it at some point or another. He just wanted to have the perfect comeback to someone who wouldn't leave him alone. More people should just leave dads alone.


Her Phone Got Taken Away By Her Parents

Dad taunts grounded daughter with paper "text message" exchange
Photo Credit: GallowBoob / Reddit
Photo Credit: GallowBoob / Reddit

This girl got her phone taken away by her parents, but they didn't leave her with nothing. Her dad slipped this piece of paper under her door and I'm sure she hated him for a moment.


Punishment is one thing, especially if it's deserved, but now he's just rubbing it in. Let's just hope that this girl has a good sense of humor about the whole situation (and that she gets her phone back soon).


"My Dad Figured Out The Works Of A 360 Camera, I Feel Proud Of The Rascal"

Dad in 360 photo with odd proportions
Photo Credit: SirHC / Reddit
Photo Credit: SirHC / Reddit

Have you ever seen a dad look this proud? Well, you probably have, but it's a refreshing smirk to see. He probably took thousands of photos using this feature after he figured it out.


I'd like to see some of his other masterpieces. I imagine he has a version with a night sky, a version that's indoors, and a version that involves people in the background. Sometimes dads are quick learners, and in those moments, we say good for them.


"My Dad's Halloween Costume Of '78"

bad Curious George costume
Photo Credit: Emerducks / Reddit
Photo Credit: Emerducks / Reddit

Well, it looks convincing. He even added a tail to the makeshift costume, so that's pretty neat. You can tell he probably made this outfit himself the night before the costume party.


If you need a sign to tell people that you're Curious George, then your costume probably leaves a lot to be desired. One does not simply wear pantyhose over their whole body and call themselves a famously inquistive monkey. The ears are a nice touch, though.


"I Enjoyed My Daughter's First Disney Ride More Than She Did"

close-up of face of daughter on lazy river ride looking terrified, but the dad's having a great time
Photo Credit: renough / Reddit
Photo Credit: renough / Reddit

This dad enjoyed this ride for the both of them. His daughter's cute little face looks like she just soiled herself, but I'm sure Dad found out the hard way.


Sometimes you just have to take a kid on a roller coaster. They have to learn how to cope with fear one way or another. If this kid never wants to go on a roller coaster again, that's totally fine, as long as she tried it once.


"My Daughter Fell Asleep On The Carpet, And I Have Too Much Free Time"

white chalk outline of a sleeping baby
Photo Credit: userbones / Reddit
Photo Credit: userbones / Reddit

Yeah, this dad for sure has too much time on his hands. He must be the one staying at home while his wife works if he thought about doing this.


I'm sure his wife didn't appreciate seeing her daughter as the victim in a crime scene. I understand, though. Babies aren't all that interactive at this age. You have to do what you can to make your own fun. Even if it means doing something a bit uncouth.


"My Father Lost His Reading Glasses About Two Years Ago. Found Em Today"

lost glasses under the car
Photo Credit: chequesformike / Reddit
Photo Credit: chequesformike / Reddit

How did this dad end up losing his glasses in this spot? Also, how did the car not cough up these spectacles as it drove over a bump in the road?


I don't know what's more incredible to me, that the glasses ended up there in the first place, or that they stayed there, intact, for two whole years. Those must be some very clingy glasses to hold onto the bottom of this car for that long.


"My Grandpa Doesn't Trust His New Roomba So He's Been Following It Around"

Dad following Roomba on his hands and knees
Photo Credit: WarmTummyRubs / Reddit
Photo Credit: WarmTummyRubs / Reddit

It's hard to trust technology, especially when you give it tasks that you usually do. This grandpa couldn't trust the Roomba as far as he could throw it and it shows.


Maybe he didn't want to be replaced by a robot. I can understand that fear. What, we're just supposed to trust little sucking machines that navigate their way around our homes and devour all of our dirt? I think he has a right to be a little suspicious.


"My Dad Likes Reading, So I Got Him A Kindle For His Birthday. He's Using It As A Bookmark"

dad using kindle as bookmark
Photo Credit: repliers_beware / Reddit
Photo Credit: repliers_beware / Reddit

Does this man not know he doesn't have to turn a paper page ever again with that Kindle? Probably not, which is why he made it into the most expensive bookmark ever.


I understand the sentiment here, though. There's something about the feel of a physical book that just can't be replaced by words on a screen. You need to be able to feel how far through the book you've gotten. It lends a real sense of accomplishment.


"My Dad Recently Got A 3D Printer And Made A Stool Sample For His Doctor"

a tiny plastic stool in a medical sample container
Photo Credit: Reddit
Photo Credit: Reddit

If he's going to have to give a stool sample, which can't be a pleasurable exchange, he might as well have fun with it. Also, does everyone have 3D printers just lying around the house now?


I actually think that this is pretty funny, but it's also probably the worst dad joke on this list. It's also the one that took the most effort. We appreciate the dedication. This dad takes his puns very seriously.


"My Dad Got To Hold A Three-Week-Old Baby Goat Yesterday"

happy man holding baby goat and smiling
Photo Credit: orkenbjorken / Reddit
Photo Credit: orkenbjorken / Reddit

That is the look of pure happiness right there. Even the goat looks like it found love at first sight. I really hope that he got to keep the goat and that they lived happily ever after.


Only a dad could be this excited about holding a baby goat. We love to see the pure look of joy on this guy's face. Sometimes you just need to hold a baby goat to get through another day.


The Beginning Of The Dad Journey

new dad wearing khaki shorts and white socks with newborn and mom at the hospital
Photo Credit: Quentin_the_Quaint / Reddit
Photo Credit: Quentin_the_Quaint / Reddit

"Put on my dad uniform today and began the journey of fatherhood! I had to use my dad's actual shoes cause my wife wouldn't let me buy dad shoes."


Apparently, the dad uniform consists of khaki shorts belted at the waist over a Hawaiian button-up, with pulled up socks in sneakers. Take notes. This guy is peak dad already and his journey has only just begun. We think he's off to a really good start.


"My Dad Trying Out The Plot He Just Purchased"

man laying on grass in cemetery
Photo Credit: bunney_rabbit / Reddit
Photo Credit: bunney_rabbit / Reddit

This seems a little morbid given that the plot is in a cemetery, but you can always count on dads for pushing the boundaries and joking about things you never thought would have been funny.


Real funny, dad! It does make sense that you'd want to try out the lot before you buy it, and shopping for cemetery plots is already pretty morbid. He's just trying to make the best out of a very strange day.


"My Dad Wanted To Take A Nice Picture With A Waterfall In Yosemite"

man posing with waterfall coming out of his nose
Photo Credit: matteocrayo / Reddit
Photo Credit: matteocrayo / Reddit

If you could define "dad jokes" in a picture, this would probably it. It doesn't matter what's classy or appropriate, dad jokes are the cheesy kind that you can't help but chuckle at.


ONly a dad would see a beautiful waterfall and think to incorporate it into his photo as a whole bunch of snot. Yeah, I did laugh at the photo, but it's only because I know how happy with himself this guy is.


Better Prepared Than Sorry

man sits on the couch with notes
Photo Credit: friendscallmeadolph / Reddit
Photo Credit: friendscallmeadolph / Reddit

"I told my dad that I bought the game Risk and wanted to play it with him. He said he'd never played. I show up to his house and find him with printed out battle plans and map strategies."


This is how you create a winner! His dedication and planning are also just very wholesome. However, this kid better watch out. His dad definitely didn't come to play. He came to win. And if he does win, it won't be beginner's luck.


"My Dad Was The Only One At The Office Today..."

dad in the office photoshopped in all the cubicles
Photo Credit: an_intellectuaI / Reddit
Photo Credit: an_intellectuaI / Reddit

Not only is it impressive that this dad knows how to use Photoshop, but also that he had the time during work hours to create it.


This would be time-consuming for anyone. Unless he did this instead of work... Yeah, that's probably what happened here. Was it worth it? We'll let you be the judge of that. I'm not certain that this is evidence of time well spent. I can just see him setting up all of those shots...


"My Son's First Day At School Today. I Handled It Really Well...."

kid going to school with dad on ground holding onto the kid's ankle
Photo Credit: AidenAsh15 / Reddit
Photo Credit: AidenAsh15 / Reddit

You would think this dad would be ecstatic to finally have some peace and quiet by his kid going back to school.


Yet this one has some attachment issues and just couldn't let go. Normally we see photos of kids holding onto their dads' legs, but in this case, it's the other way around. This dad just has a really close bond with his kid. He knows he has to go to school, he just wants to play one more round of Minecraft first.