There’s Something Not Quite Right About These Christmas Decorations
Christmastime is the most wonderful time of the year. It's a time when everyone comes together to celebrate giving and love and faith and warmth. Part of that celebration involves decorating your house with trees, and red and white things, and an old man with a beard. Don't ask us how these traditions started.
Some Christmas decorations are quite beautiful, and some, well, they leave a lot to be desired. There's something a little bit off about all of the Christmas decorations on this list.
A Christmas Coke
The Santa Claus on this Christmas bottle of Coca Cola looks more like a white ink smudge than old Saint Nick. Coca Cola is a huge company. They could have done better than this, but they didn't.
The Coca Cola bears are arguably more popular for the brand during winter than Santa Claus is, which is saying a lot. Who can resist the sweet polar bears sliding around on the ice?
That's Not An "O"
If anything, a Christmas tree looks more like the letter A than the letter O. This sweater looks like it says "Lave" more than it looks like it says "Love." However, there will still be plenty of shoppers who see the soft fleece, combined with the holiday print and won't be able to resist making the purchase.
Or you could interrupt it as "Live" like "long live Christmas" .... no?
A Backwards Christmas
This sparkly sign is supposed to say "Christmas" but it looks more like it says "Sa Stm Chri." Is this some new wintertime holiday that we haven't heard of yet? It may have made a little more sense if it was stacked in the opposite way, with the "chri" on top.
This just isn't how people read the English language. They tried to create a festival window display but they just ended up creating a window of confusion.
A Strange Ornament
We're all for creativity, but when creative word placement interferes with the meaning of a sentence, we've got other problems. What does "at Christmas all roads home lead" mean? It sounds like something E.T. would say.
This is another decoration that might simply be overlooked for it's Christmas colors and holly. but when you take a closer look... it just doesn't add up. Whoever made this decoration had a little too much eggnog first.
More Clever Word Placement
The Christmas elves are back at it again with the creative word placement. It is okay to say Merry Christmas. It's not okay to write, "it's okay merry to say Christmas." We don't know what that means, and likely, neither do you.
Christmas bumper stickers are kind of weird, if you think about it. They only make sense for around a month of the year, and then they got out of style.
Spacing Matters
It's not just the placement of words that can have an effect on the meaning of a sentence. The space between the words is also super important. It's the difference between "now here" and "nowhere."
Even if they did bold the "here" it's still too similar to the text of the "now". We hope that this sign doesn't discourage anyone's beliefs. It's really just poor sign formatting that you see here.
Little Berby Jebus
Something is very wrong with this baby Jesus ornament. It doesn't look right at all. Does it have webbed feet? This has to be sacrilegious. Why is this allowed to be sold in stores? If we didn't know any better we would think this was a homemade ornament.
But seeing that it's packaged just so, it's apparent that this has been mass-produced and that is very, very unfortunate for Christmas.
Holy Typography
I get that these words are supposed to be arranged like a Christmas tree, but couldn't that look have been achieved without splitting up words? There's a reason why this thing is 50% off.
This is similar to the saying, "measure twice, cut once." They didn't accurately think about how this would appear when the product was finished. As you can see here, it didn't turn out the way they probably imagined it would.
A Bad Christmas Present
This girl decided to make Christmas presents for her whole family. For some reason, she thought that putting actual Lego pieces in the soap would be a good idea. Spoiler alert: it's not.
How do you think this feels when you wash your hands? Probably the same level of comfort you experience when you step on a lego. Well we hope that someone in her family can appreciate this bar of soap with legos in it.
The Worst Wreath
This giant Christmas wreath in a mall looks like it was made out of hair that was pulled out of a shower drain. This wool material is super unsightly. What's wrong with good old evergreen twigs?
Whatever building this is would have been better off with no decorations at all. If this is what their Christmas spirit looks like, they must be the grinch. This is a decoration in terrible taste.
The Holland Tunnel Decorated For Christmas
Okay, we get the wreath over the O on the Holland Tunnel side. That one makes sense. Why isn't the tree over the A, though? And why is there another circular wreath over the U? That's confusing.
We wonder if it was one person setting this up that overlooked it, or if there were multiple people on the job that led to this decision. Most drivers probably wouldn't notice, except for their stopped in traffic staring at this terribly decorated sign.
Oh, Holy Ovaries
This city set up some light-up Christmas designs around high-traffic outdoor areas. For some reason, this abstract design looks a lot like the female reproductive system. Why are the ovaries blue?
Are they a pair of scissors? Is this a wand? Is this in any way related to Christmas at all? It's shiny and it's colorful, it's lit up like other Christmas decorations, but that doesn't make it a Christmas decoration itself.
What Is This Supposed To Say?
This sweater is supposed to say something related to Christmas on it. We can kind of make out the word "Christmas" but we're not sure what all of the other letters are for. There are letters that are green, there are letters that are red, there are letters that are white, but this is just confusing.
There is no artistic value to this shirt whatsoever. There's not even a picture on it.
Daddy Merman
I have never seen a Christmas ornament quite this weird looking before. Why is this merman holding a baby, and why does he have a leather belt holding up his tail? What do mermen have to do with Christmas, anyway? They've never even seen a tree before, yet here's an ornament with a merman on it, to hang on the tree.
Maybe we could see this as a gag gift because it's so terribly bizarre.
Simply Having A Horrifying Christmastime
I don't know if this figurine is supposed to be Santa or just a horrifying Christmas gremlin. Either way, it's going to give me nightmares. This must be Santa's evil twin. Not only will this scare the children, but it's likely to get into the heads of adults as well.
It appears to be life-sized, propped against trees. You wouldn't even know this was related to Christmas without the poinsettia and the ornaments.
Feliz D Da Navi
This sign is supposed to say "Navidad," but for some reason, whoever designed the sign thought it would look better if all of the letters were piled on top of each other. What's with all of the confusing letter displays? It seems that no one ever gets these right.
At least this display is bringing some color and light into this courtyard. But other than that, it's not very festive when it doesn't make sense.
This Woman Is A Teacher
This teacher put up a Merry Christmas sign in her classroom, only, the sign doesn't really say Merry Christmas. It says Merry Crsms Hita. This woman is supposed to be teaching our children how to spell.
We see that she tried to be creative and stagger the letters in the word "Christmas" but the way she arranged them doesn't make sense. Looking above this message, it seems that printing out letters on full pieces of paper is a regular thing for this teacher.
Water And Electricity Don't Mix
Somebody decided to put up electrical Christmas lights right above a working fountain, and yes, the water from the fountain does touch the lights. Let's just hope that nobody gets close to that fountain.
The last thing that the town's circle needs is some real-life shooting stars during Christmas. We're sure whoever strung these star decorations had good intentions, but they just didn't think this one all of the way through.
A Beard Full Of Lost Souls
If you look closely at the Santa mural that's painted on this wall in a shopping mall, you'll notice that his beard isn't solid white. In fact. it's full of strange, humanoid figures. Although some of them are posing like happy children, others look rather ghostly.
Santa is already mysterious enough, now we're planting ideas in our children's heads of Santa being in charge of the spirits, too? That's just too much.
Santa Can't Make Up His Mind
With arrows pointing all over the place like this, how is Santa supposed to know where he's supposed to stop? This sign is just plain confusing. Let Santa do his job in peace.
The last thing that we want is for Santa to crash his sleigh and ruin Christmas for everyone. He's got a big job and if you're on the list, he'll get to you. He already knows where he's going.
Why Are His Eyelashes In His Eyes?
There's something not quite right about this Santa plushie. Shouldn't his eyelashes be coming from his eyelids and not his actual pupils? Now it looks like he has spiders in his eyes.
This Santa does not look happy or healthy at all. How could this facial detail be overlooked? We have a feeling that not many of these Santa's will sell this year. We'd rather not creep out the kids.
Something Is Wrong With That Baby
Why is this Santa figurine carrying around a baby in his sack? Maybe it's supposed to be a doll or something? Still, I'm getting a bad feeling about this whole situation. The whole scene here doesn't look so merry, if you know what we're saying. Even Santa looks a little concerned.
Still, someone ended up with this strange Santa ornament and snapped a picture of it on their kitchen table. Now, what are they going to do with it?
They Didn't Think This Through
When this mall decided to bring in a giant, blow-up Santa for the holiday season, they really should have paid more attention to where the entrance of the Santa was going to be. We're used to sitting on Santa's lap, but walking through his body and coming out under his legs?
That's just not in the storybook. Seeing as there is only one guy in the picture, and mall Santa lines are usually packed to the gills, we'd say this display isn't a winner.
He Sees You When You're Sleeping
They probably should have chosen a toy that doesn't double as a weapon for this scene. I get that it's an NHL product, but why didn't they just have to boy opening the hockey stick on Christmas morning? This is so creepy.
Here the kid is asleep in an armchair, in the safety of his own home. But the thing about Santa Claus is that he gets special access to the house. And here he comes in, sizing up a hockey stick to little Jimmy's face. Real nice, Santa.
Look Out, Grandma!
This advertisement is informing people that a new, sharp, Japanese knife is the best Christmas gift for their loved ones. I just don't think that came across in their choice of images. The woman's expression was intended to be excitement, but could easily be perceived as fear.
She's making direct eye contact with the knife, while her husband kisses her on the cheek. The tagline assures the shopper that this knife is specifically the best "for your loved one!"
Light-Up Christmas
When Walmart chose to have this "light up Christmas" slogan all over their store, they should have thought about how it would look above a display of gas cans. Don't literally light up Christmas, people.
We're sure that this Walmart sign was intended to be displayed above the Christmas lights, but instead, found its way over to the auto aisle. Now it's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. Someone is about to get fired... get it?
A Luminous Clothesline
This city also decided to set up some public Christmas decorations, only, instead of a reproductive system, these lights look like giant pairs of women's underwear hung up to dry. Every 15 feet, there's another hanging display of panties. You just can't get around them-- they're on the main drag!
We're not sure if the light strings were cut at the wrong angle or what, because we've never laid eyes on something like this before.
A Bunch Of Letters
I know that this is supposed to say "happy holidays," but it would be a lot easier to figure that out if these letters were arranged in a logical way. Especially after you've had a couple of holiday cocktails, this mixed up sign will just send you over the edge.
"Is it just me or the sign?" you'd probably second guess yourself, since this is displayed in a main foot traffic area, wishing all happy holidays.
Sliding Into Christmas Like...
Whoever designed this Santa slide should have really reconsidered the placement of the actual slide. Could the slide not be in his sled or something? Really, this could not look more wrong.
Santa looks like he's relieving himself. Meanwhile, from the kids' view coming down the slide, they have no idea just what scene they're sliding into. This is a fail on a massive sized scale. Can't wait to come back next year.
Mebby Christmas
I know this sign is supposed to say "Merry Christmas" because I have a brain and that's what people say on Christmas, but it really does look like it says "Mebby Christmas." The effort is here, but the execution needs work.
Although they needed the 's' and the 't' to connect to the 'merry' in order to hold it all together, it still would have worked if they had dropped the letters down another half inch.