Delivery Man Is Stunned When Two Karens Take Extreme Measures To Get What They Want
Sometimes there is a miscommunication when you buy something like a house appliance. You went into your local store and thought you signed up for delivery and installation. Except come the delivery day, you realize that installation wasn't part of the deal.
So what do you do? Well, you could pay the delivery guy some cash under the table or move it yourself, or you could do what these women did, which isn't recommended.
He Was Just Making Another Delivery

TikTok user thotty.boyy, an appliance delivery man, posted a video that went viral because the delivery didn't go as planned - in fact, it was crazy.
His video reads, "I can't make this up."
They Wanted Their Fridge Installed

In the video, there are two women who are trying to stop thotty.boyy from leaving their property.
Why? Because they wanted him to install the refrigerator that he had just delivered.
She Was Lying Down In Front Of His Truck

He told the two ladies he was not installing the refrigerator, and things got messy fast. One woman decided to lie in front of the driver's side tire and refused to move!
She's seen on the phone calling the delivery man's boss and demanding he installs the fridge.
The Other Woman

Meanwhile, the other woman stood in front of the truck, also trying to stop the delivery driver from leaving.
She is seen asking him to "Just put it (the fridge) in the house." But she didn't stop there!
They Can't Lift The Fridge

"We can't lift that thing; we don't even have a dolly." The woman on the ground says in the video.
Meanwhile, thotty.boyy is stunned at the situation. Looking at the lady on the ground, he says, "She wants me to hit her!?" This is in regards to his truck, of course!
The Delivery Driver Explains Everything

Eventually, the delivery driver was able to drag the woman out from under his truck and drive off.
He then goes on to make another video explaining the situation and how it got so crazy.
They Ordered Drop-Off, Not Installation

In his other video, the man states, "They have a delivery order for a fridge, and it's only a drop-off."
"They said, no, you have to take the old fridge out and bring this new one in!" This was not in their contract.
He Didn't Bring The Proper Equipment

The fridge that the ladies ordered was very big. And since it was a delivery drop-off and not an installation, the delivery driver didn't bring any equipment for installation.
That's when things escalated.
He Was "Going Nowhere"

"You're going nowhere until this is done!" One of the women said to him.
That's when one of the ladies went to lie down in front of the truck. The other, originally standing in front of the vehicle, went as far as hopping onto the hood!
TikTok Comments

The video went viral and has been viewed over 36 million times.
And many people commented on the video because they were shocked at the situation, calling the women Karens and completely siding with the delivery man since the ladies did not pay any instillation costs.