Pictures That Would Make Great Christmas Cards

It's that time of year! Whether you love Christmas or hate Christmas you've got to admit that it's supposed to be a pretty fun time of year. People are so cheerful, the mall becomes unbearably busy, and people bust out their decorations and attempt to take family photos.

Some moments are too good not to capture, even if we didn't know it at the time. These people captured festive moments that should definitely be featured on their family Christmas card.

What A Feast!

a weird family photo where the dad is a the turkey
Photo Credit: Awkward Family Photos
Photo Credit: Awkward Family Photos

Family photos are great, cheesy family photos are even better, but horrifying family photos should not exist. The mom looks like she knows what's happening is questionable at the very least.

Is it just us, or does the dog look a little too excited here? We're honestly a bit worried that he's totally OK with the prospect of eating the dad. But maybe he's just thrilled to be sitting at the table like a person.


Now That's The Spirit

a small Santa hat taped to the wall
Photo Credit: Reddit / BeardoCan
Photo Credit: Reddit / BeardoCan

This restaurant went all out while decorating for the holidays! They just couldn't contain their Christmas cheer. If anything, it's a little gaudy and overwhelming. I don't need this shoved in my face when I'm trying to enjoy my sushi.


Obviously, that's sarcasm. Why would they even bother with decorating if they're just going to tape one little Santa hat to the wall? And they might have wiped the walls down first.


Has This Person Ever Seen A Deer?

a very poorly painted picture of a deer and girl
Photo Credit: Reddit / Spaced_Out_Guy
Photo Credit: Reddit / Spaced_Out_Guy

We're only asking because all evidence points to no, they have not. This is the holiday version of the Renaissance paintings of cats by artists who have clearly never seen a cat in their life.


Or wait, is this a jackalope? It looks more like a jackalope but that doesn't really make sense because she's dressed as a reindeer. Oh well, all that matters is whether the artist is happy with this masterpiece.


Santa Claus Is Coming (For You) To Town!

Santa statue holding a tree weirdly
Photo Credit: Reddit / GibbyES335
Photo Credit: Reddit / GibbyES335

This Santa is holding that Christmas tree like a shiv and he looks ready to use it. He's not messing around anymore. You put out the cookies he likes... or else.


Is that Mrs. Claus? We thought it was just a snowman but then there's that curly gray hair which isn't exactly part of a traditional snowman's ensemble. If it is Santa's wife, he might ask her to put on a shirt and maybe some pants.


They're Probably Still Tasty?

a bunch of really badly made cookies
Photo Credit: Reddit / radioflea
Photo Credit: Reddit / radioflea

We don't know why the average person thinks that they can bake. Instagram has made it very easy for us to think anyone can do it, but as you can see, that is not the case.


That being said, we would absolutely eat every last one of these cookies. They might be kind of ugly but we can pretty much guarantee that they're delicious. You can't really go wrong with a frosted cookie (in the taste department, at least).


Well, They Tried

a ladder used as a Christmas tree
Photo Credit: Reddit / -0dd-
Photo Credit: Reddit / -0dd-

The holidays are all about believing in miracles, and this person really wants you to believe in the magic of their tree that is actually... a ladder. It's better than no tree at all, right?


We've seen people make trees out of stranger things than ladders, so we'll go ahead and approve of this "creative" display. Maybe the person is a painter or something and the ladder has special meaning for them.


May The Holidays Be Merry And Very, Very Bright

a sign over gas cans that says 'light Christmas up'
Photo Credit: Reddit / Jakdracula
Photo Credit: Reddit / Jakdracula

This is not an ideal setup. When someone says they want to "light up Christmas," they're looking for the string lights aisle, not the gasoline. Just a little tip for next year. Or maybe Walmart is dropping a not-so-subtle hint to its customers.


After all, once someone's home burns to the ground they'll need to replace all of their possessions... and Walmart is a good place to do just that. Sneaky business plan!


Someone Is In The Holiday Spirit

a dog with Christmas lights
Photo Credit: Twitter / @annacatkopsky
Photo Credit: Twitter / @annacatkopsky

We all have that one person in our life who starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st and keeps their decorations up well into the spring even though the neighbors are constantly giving them dirty looks.


This festive dog is that person. Just look at the way it's smiling as it gazes into the pretty Christmas lights. You just know Santa is bringing something really good for this sweet pup.


Always Check Your Spelling

toy blocks spelling satan
Photo Credit: Twitter / @_youhadonejob1
Photo Credit: Twitter / @_youhadonejob1

I have a feeling that kids wouldn't be lining up around the mall to sit on Satan's lap. Maybe it always has been Satan and we misspelled it the first time and this person is just trying to help.


That's how Oprah got her name, you know. She was named Orpah but apparently, people couldn't pronounce it and "Oprah" stuck! Not that we're linking Oprah with Santa or Satan... just saying that spelling makes a difference.


"Gross It Has Buttons!"

a Christmas decoration that looks like a phone
Photo Credit: Imgur / Lulabel73
Photo Credit: Imgur / Lulabel73

There's nothing like taking a poorly painted relic from the past and putting it up on the Christmas tree. The holidays are a time for reflecting, after all, and it's good to remember our humble beginnings.


This same tree is probably decked out with other "antiques" such as a fax machine, a shoehorn, and a butter churn as well. All sorts of old things that no one really needs to use anymore.


Being An Adult Stinks

two brothers got totally different gifts
Photo Credit: Reddit / Rico04
Photo Credit: Reddit / Rico04

This photo is a farce! That guy is probably ecstatic to have received some new and beautiful glassware for Christmas. This is what being an adult is all about — asking for things you need because they are also things you want.


Not that there's anything wrong with a Food Network brand set of glassware... no, that's a fine gift. But compared to an Xbox One? No way. The glasses cost a fraction of what the Xbox did, too. No fair!


Wow, Is Santa OK?

a very scary looking red Santa
Photo Credit: Instagram / @catsandcrochet_dels
Photo Credit: Instagram / @catsandcrochet_dels

That is a surprisingly chill little kid considering that is a horrifying Santa Claus. Maybe this photo was taken before they turned around and got a good look at his shiny red face.


The more we look at this one, the more horrified we become. We seriously hope that Santa's face was photoshopped in later because there's no way any decent parent would let their kid be held by such a ghoulish-looking figure.


Time For Christmas Carols!

a old singing doll that looks weird
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SarahSantanaaa
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SarahSantanaaa

We can always count on singing to bring out the holiday spirit. This guy is so good at Christmas carols that he doesn't even need to look at the words anymore... not that he could. His fake plastic face and blank expression are enough to give anyone nightmares.


Let's just quietly unplug this scary decoration and set it out by the trash. He can take that evil singing face elsewhere.


The Best Gifts Are Thoughtful Gifts

a present wrapped in zip ties
Photo Credit: Instagram / @redbankplaza
Photo Credit: Instagram / @redbankplaza

There had better be something good in there because the blood, sweat, and tears that go into opening it is going to be real. Let's hope she also got a set of scissors.


Based on the way he labeled the gift, we're not expecting that Brother got Idiot Sister a very good present. It's probably a $5 gift card to Chipotle, or maybe one of those "Free Hug" coupon books that he made.


Who Is She?

a grinch doll with a big butt
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SJSchauer
Photo Credit: Twitter / @SJSchauer

Oh! It's the Grinch! Looks like his heart wasn't the only thing that grew three sizes this Christmas season. They say this is what happens when you're happy — you get fat and jolly.


Has the Grinch perhaps been stealing all of Santa's cookies? It sure looks that way. This is what I'd look like from behind after just one night of eating cookies non-stop. It's just not fair. Sigh.


Welcome To The Family

someone put a sports sock up for a Christmas stocking
Photo Credit: Reddit / akantho
Photo Credit: Reddit / akantho

If your family is always growing, you have to find clever ways to adapt and make them feel included. This was a Christmas to remember for Allison, I can promise you that.


We wonder if she lost her stocking or whether this was a punishment of sorts. Or maybe Allison is a stranger who showed up unannounced on Christmas morning and demanded to be a part of the family's gift-opening celebration.


Dreams Do Come True!

a dog happy to meet Santa
Photo Credit: Twitter / @jjmontaldo
Photo Credit: Twitter / @jjmontaldo

Who said Santa is only for human children? Our fur babies deserve the chance to sit on his lap just as much as we do! I mean, wouldn't most of us rather cuddle dogs anyway?


This dog was already a big fan of Santa, as we see in the photo on the left. So when he got to meet the REAL LIFE MR. CLAUS, he totally flipped! Just look at that expression of sheer joy.


Looks Like Someone Got Their Revenge

an Elf on the Shelf melted in the oven
Photo Credit: Facebook / Brittany Mease
Photo Credit: Facebook / Brittany Mease

If you think this is going to stop him from snitching, you're dead wrong. He's not melted yet! As a side note, can we all appreciate how clean that oven is?


Actually, some company that makes oven cleaning products should use this photo in an ad campaign. Their slogan could be "an oven so clean you can melt your Elf in a Shelf in it!" Parents would buy it by the carton.


What A Beautiful Tree

a cat sitting under a dead tree
Photo Credit: Reddit / Blackout73
Photo Credit: Reddit / Blackout73

The cat looks so smug. Even though he can't reach those Christmas decorations anymore, he knows he's won. It was never about the shiny balls, after all. It was about the power.


We wouldn't want to go near the ferocious-looking feline. Then again, if the cat is that dominating when it comes to Christmas trees, why even have one? Sometimes it's better to omit the tree than to hold on to only the trunk of it.


That's As Good As It's Going To Get

someone trying to take a nice picture of their cats
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Iannmil
Photo Credit: Twitter / @Iannmil

Anyone with cats knows that a blurry picture is the best that you can hope for. They don't like to hold still, except for when they're lying in the exact spot you need to be.


What, do they have a little trampoline just out of view of the camera or something? We can't figure out how these cats are catching so much air unless they have assistance of some sort.


Good Luck With That

someone trying to put together a tiny kitchen
Photo Credit: Twitter / @pawsox6
Photo Credit: Twitter / @pawsox6

This is what a tiny playset kitchen looks like before you put it all together. I'm not sure I would have the patience or the bravery to do it. Our parents must have really loved us. (Those parents that were actually able to finish assembling our kitchen playsets.)


We have a feeling that this kid might have ended up not getting their kitchen to play in after all. Unless mom or dad brought in a professional to help.



a mall decoration that spelt Christmas backwards
Photo Credit: Reddit / juanprada
Photo Credit: Reddit / juanprada

Oh, it says Christmas! I suppose it kind of works if you're into word puzzles and whatnot. Otherwise, this just looks like a bunch of letters in the middle of the mall for no reason.


Was it planned like this, or did someone just assemble the letters incorrectly? Because it makes no sense for the letters to start at the bottom and move up to the top. It's very confusing!


Now That Is Some Holiday Spirit

a guy made his hair into a Christmas tree
Photo Credit: Instagram / @msbannah
Photo Credit: Instagram / @msbannah

Going to an ugly Christmas sweater party can either be the best time ever or just a sad bunch of people who spent too much money at the thrift shop. This guy helped ensure that it would be the former.


He went ALL-OUT for the party, even turning his hair into a Christmas tree. We're guessing he must have used a ton of hair gel to get everything to stay firmly in place like this.


This Doesn't Feel Safe

an angry snowman
Photo Credit: Twitter / @coachTcubed
Photo Credit: Twitter / @coachTcubed

This is the most ominous-looking snowman. He's trying to plot the ways to stay during the warmer months because he's got some unfinished business to attend to. Serious, snowman business.


We think this "decoration" needs to be moved outside and far, far away. We don't want him watching us indoors anymore, so he needs to just go along on his merry way. Either that or just add a mouth to him so he doesn't look quite so creepy.


So Cute?

a badly made deer cookie
Photo Credit: Reddit / Canadian_Wanderer
Photo Credit: Reddit / Canadian_Wanderer

At least all the other reindeers will have someone new to pick on and Rudolph can take a bit of a break. There isn't enough icing in the world to help this poor guy out.


Is there a goblin or some other kind of monster riding on his back? It kind of resembles a melting little troll with bulging eyes. We think this cookie disaster should be put into the blender.


That Is A CRISP Turkey

a very burnt turkey
Photo Credit: Reddit / PimplyMoose
Photo Credit: Reddit / PimplyMoose

You know there is going to be one weird person in the family who thinks that this turkey is cooked to perfection and pressure everyone into eating it anyway because it will be so tasty.


If this is an annual problem, then you can guarantee that someone also brought a bucket of KFC as a backup for Uncle Jim's super crispy turkey. Only one or two people can stand to eat turkey that's so well-done.


He Knows What He Did

a dog ruining a tree
Photo Credit: Instagram / @eedevore
Photo Credit: Instagram / @eedevore

There can only be admiration for one thing in this house and it is not the tree! No one should shine brighter than the family dog, so it's no surprise he took down the tree.


And he's just so gosh darn proud of himself for it too! He's smiling so wide that his eyes are closed. We wonder if that Kong toy was supposed to distract him from the tree... if so, it clearly didn't work.


It's All About The Angles

Santa with lights
Photo Credit: Instagram / @huxleyjo
Photo Credit: Instagram / @huxleyjo

What a lovely and festive light display these people have put up. I bet there will be people driving from all over town to take a look at their handiwork.


Santa is seen here taking a "leak" off the deck, which is a really classy way to celebrate Christmas. The cool thing, though, is that you could say he's fishing because the rope lights do resemble a fishing rod somewhat. You know, in case the kids ask what Santa is doing.


There Are Two Types Of People At Christmas

dogs in a fake Christmas scene
Photo Credit: Twitter / @laurenncarterr
Photo Credit: Twitter / @laurenncarterr

You're either the person who spirals into an existential crisis once it starts to snow or the person who finally comes out of the shell they've been hiding in all year. There is no in-between.


Can you tell which of these pups represents each of the personality types we just described? Of course you can. Mr. Smiles there is the one who loves the holidays, while Ms. Somber is totally stressed by everything.


Here It Is

an ugly Santa sweater
Photo Credit: Imgur
Photo Credit: Imgur

The greatest Christmas sweater of all time. You know that every dad out there is on his way to the dollar store to recreate this masterpiece. The craftsmanship is simply outstanding.


At first, we thought that was a real dog but it's actually part of the whole crazy Christmas getup. The fake pooch is pulling down Santa's pants and the jolly guy is trying his best to hold them on.